drslib() drslib()

drs_tool - Command-line interface to DRSLIB


Usage: drs_tool [command] [options] [drs-pattern]

command: list list publication-level datasets todo show file operations pending for the next version upgrade make changes to the selected datasets to upgrade to the next version mapfile make a mapfile of the selected dataset history list all versions of the selected dataset init initialise CMIP5 product detection data

display this help message and exit

output version information and exit

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-R ROOT, --root=ROOT
Root directory of the DRS tree
Incoming directory for DRS files. Defaults to <root>/output
-a ACTIVITY, --activity=ACTIVITY
Set DRS attribute activity for dataset discovery
-p PRODUCT, --product=PRODUCT
Set DRS attribute product for dataset discovery
Set DRS attribute institute for dataset discovery
-m MODEL, --model=MODEL
Set DRS attribute model for dataset discovery
Set DRS attribute experiment for dataset discovery
Set DRS attribute frequency for dataset discovery
-r REALM, --realm=REALM
Set DRS attribute realm for dataset discovery
-v VERSION, --version=VERSION
Force version upgrades to this version
-P FILE, --profile=FILE
Profile the script exectuion into FILE
Automatically detect the DRS product of incoming data

drs_tool uses metaconfig to configure and store configuration information. Its configuration may be found then in a metaconfig.conf file, in /etc/metaconfig/metaconfig.conf on Debian systems, which may be overriden by $HOME/.metaconfig.conf or ./metaconfig.conf

The variable METACONF_CONF


To query and report bugs in drs_tool, please use reportbug on Debian systems.


DRSLIB was written by Stephen Pascoe, STFC.SC.UK. This manual page was written by Alastair McKinstry.