draco_encoder - compress 3D geometric meshes and point clouds

draco_encoder -i input [-o output] [options]

Draco is a format for efficient compression of 3D graphics data such as geometric meshes or point clouds. draco_encoder is the compression tool.

The following options are available:

input file name in .ply or .obj format
output file name
quantization bits for the position (default: 11)
quantization bits for the texture coordinates (default: 10)
quantization bits for the normal vector (default: 8)
quantization bits for any generic attribute (default: 8)
compression level from 0 to 10 (default: 7)
skip a given attribute (NORMAL, TEX_COORD, GENERIC)
use metadata to encode extra information in mesh files
force the input to be encoded as a point cloud

Negative quantization values will skip the specified attribute

draco_decoder(1), draco_transcoder(1)