dpt-ready-for-upload(1) Debian Perl packaging Tools dpt-ready-for-upload(1)

dpt-ready-for-upload - list packages in Git which need an upload

dpt ready-for-upload [--help|-h] [--man|-m]

dpt ready-for-upload queries UDD's DMD for packages which are considered "ready for upload", i.e. where the version in Git is newer than the latest version in the archive. If this reminds you of PET -- you're not wrong to assume that there was some inspiration taken from there.



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dpt ready-for-upload uses the "DPT_PACKAGES" environment variable.

See dpt-config(5) for details.

Copyright 2023, gregor herrmann <gregoa@debian.org>

Released under the same terms as Perl itself, i.e. Artistic or GPL-1+.

2024-03-04 pkg-perl-tools 0.78