dpt-import-orig(1) Debian Perl packaging Tools dpt-import-orig(1)

dpt-import-orig - "gbp import-orig" wrapper with upstream tracking support

dpt import-orig [../package_version.orig.tar.gz]

dpt import-orig is a wrapper around gbp import-orig using its --uscan and --upstream-vcs-tag options to fetch and import tarballs and link to upstream Git tags.

If necessary, the git remote is added using dpt-upstream-repo(1).

If a parameter is passed, it's taken as orig tar-ball to import instead of using uscan to download the tar ball. Needed if a newer upstream release has a (from dpkg's point of view) lower version number and gbp bails out over uscan not having downloaded a tar ball.

dpt import-orig reads the "DPT_RM_TARGZ" environment variable to determine if the downloaded .orig.tar.gz should be removed after the import.

See dpt-config(5) for details.


This program is free software, licensed under the same term as perl.

2024-03-04 pkg-perl-tools 0.78