download-ncbi-data - download specific data from NCBI's FTP site

download-ncbi-data bioconcepts|generif|meshtree|taxnames|serials|journals|nihocc|pmc-oa|pmc-bioc|oa-list|oa-book accession|carotene|globin|human|smear

download-ncbi-data downloads the requested data to the current directory.

Download mappings from chemical, disease, and gene names to PubTatorCentral unless already present.
Download GeneRif data, unless already present, and extract some summaries.
Download a taxonomic database and produce a table summarizing correspondences between taxonomic IDs and scientific or common names.
Download a database of serials indexed by NLM and extract some summaries.
Download a database of journals indexed by PubMed and extract some summaries.
Download MeSH data and extract some summaries.
Download NIH Open Citation Collection data.
Download PubMed Central open-access archives in traditional format, unless already present.
Download PubMed Central open-access archives in BioConcepts format, unless already present.
Download a list of open access books, unless already present, and extract a summary.
Download the open access book with the specified accession. First produce a list and summary as above if necessary.
Download and unzip sample PubmedArticleSet XML for carotene.
Download and unzip sample INSDSet XML for globin.
Download and unzip sample gene DocumentSummarySet XML for humans.
Download and unzip sample Seq-submit ASN.1 for a fruit fly nucleotide-protein set with annotations from GeneMachine and BLAST.

archive-pubmed(1), download-ncbi-software(1), download-pmc(1), download-pubmed(1), download-sequence(1), index-extras(1), index-pubmed(1), phrase-search(1), nquire(1), xtract(1).

2023-03-29 NCBI