DISCO-MIX(1) General Commands Manual DISCO-MIX(1)

disco-mix - manage your DiscoDOS mixes

disco mix [--help] [--verbose] [--create-mix | --delete-mix | --edit | --edit-mix | --bulk-edit | --add-to-mix | --reorder-tracks | --delete-track | --copy | --discogs-update | --brainz-update] [--pos] [--resume] [mix_name]

the mix command is used to manage your DiscoDOS mixes. A mix is basically just a list of tracks in a specific order, a playlist, a track pool, you name it.

mix name or mix ID being displayed, edited, created, copied, deleted, etc. If mix_name is left out, a list of available mixes is shown and all other arguments are ignored.

, --help
show this help message and exit
, --verbose, --vv
increases mix tracklist view detail. -v adds tracknames, artists, transition rating/notes and general track notes. -vv shows when and how MusicBrainz matching was done and also direct weblinks to Discogs releases, MusicBrainz releases/recordings and AccousticBrainz recordings.
, --create-mix
creates new mix (named as given in mix_name argument).
, --delete-mix
deletes the mix (given in mix_name) and all its contained tracks!
edits/adds details of a track in a mix (editable fields: key, BPM, track number, position in mix, key notes, transition rating, transition notes, general track notes, custom MusicBrainz recording ID).
, --edit-mix
edits/adds general info about a mix (name, played date, venue).
FIELDS, --bulk-edit FIELDS
bulk-edits specific fields of each track in mix. Syntax of FIELDS argument: <field1>,<field2>,... available fields: key,bpm,track_no,track_pos,key_notes,trans_rating, trans_notes,notes,m_rec_id_override.
searches for release/track in collection and adds it to the mix, This option is actually a shortcut to "disco search -m mix_name search_term" and behaves identically. If SEARCH_TERMS is a number, it is assumed being a Discogs release ID. A quick database check is done and if non-existent yet, the release is 1) added to the Discogs collection and 2) imported to DiscoBASE. This is a convenience function eg when trying to quickly add a release to the mix that's not in the DiscoBASE yet (possibly an only recently gained record?).
POSITION, --reorder-tracks POSITION
reorders tracks in current mix, starting at POSITION ; Note that this is a troubleshooting function and usually shouldn't be necessary to use.
POSITION, --delete-track POSITION
removes the track at the given position from the mix.
copies the mix given in mix_name argument. Asks for new name!
, --discogs-update
updates tracks in current mix with additional info from Discogs. Can be combined with -p when mix ID provided or with --resume when mix ID not provided (all tracks in mixes update).
, --brainz-update, --zz
updates tracks in current mix with additional info from MusicBrainz and AcousticBrainz. Leave out mix ID to update every track contained in any mix. -z quick match, -zz detailed match (takes longer, but more results). Can be combined with -p when mix ID provided or with --resume when mix ID not provided (all tracks in mixes *Brainz matching).
in combination with -a this option adds the found release/track at the given position in the mix (rather than at the end). In combination with -u, -z or -zz the update process is started at the given position in the mix.
resumes long-running processes at the given offset position (expects a number). You can combine this option currently with "all tracks in mixes Discogs update" (disco mix -u ) or with "all tracks in mixes *Brainz matching" (disco mix -z, disco mix -zz ).

Step by step tutorials and in-detail explanations of all DiscoDOS commands can be found on the README and User's Manual pages: https://github.com/JOJ0/discodos/blob/master/README.md https://github.com/JOJ0/discodos/blob/master/MANUAL.md

J0J0 T <jt@peek-a-boo.at>

Special thanks go to Samplissimo for testing and feature ideas, to Schobernoise for motivation and a GUI draft and most of all to Gold Fisch for her patience while Doogie Howser wrote in his diary!

disco-search(1), disco-import(1), disco-suggest(1), disco(1) discosync(1),

June 15, 2020 DiscoDOS