DIFFR(1) User Manual DIFFR(1)

diffr - adds word-level diff on top of unified diffs

diffr [--colors <color_spec>] [--line-numbers <compact|aligned>]

diff -u | diffr [OPTIONS]

git show | diff [OPTIONS]

--colors <color_spec> Configure color settings for console ouput.

There are four faces to customize:
|  line prefix   |      +       |       -        |
| common segment |    added     |    removed     |
| unique segment | refine-added | refine-removed |
The customization allows
- to change the foreground or background color;
- to set or unset the attributes 'bold', 'intense', 'underline';
- to clear all attributes.
Customization is done passing a color_spec argument.
This flag may be provided multiple times.
The syntax is the following:
color_spec = face-name + ':' + attributes
attributes = attribute
           | attribute + ':' + attributes
attribute  = ('foreground' | 'background') + ':' + color
           | (<empty> | 'no') + font-flag
           | 'none'
font-flag  = 'italic'
           | 'bold'
           | 'intense'
           | 'underline'
color      = 'none'
           | [0-255]
           | [0-255] + ',' + [0-255] + ',' + [0-255]
           | ('black', 'blue', 'green', 'red',
              'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'white')
For example, the color_spec
sets the color of unique added segments with
a blue background, written with a bold font.

--line-numbers <compact|aligned> Display line numbers. Style is optional. When style = `compact', take as little width as possible. When style = `aligned', align to tab stops (useful if tab is used for indentation). [default: compact]

-h, --help Prints help information

-V, --version Prints version information

Nathan Moreau <nathan.moreau@m4x.org>

The MIT License (MIT)

April 14, 2023 diffr 1.5.0