DECK(1) User Commands DECK(1)

deck - Configuration management for Kong and Kong Enterprise

decK helps you manage Kong clusters with a declarative configuration file.

It can be used to export, import or sync entities to Kong.

deck [command]

Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
Diff the current entities in Kong with the on on disks
Export Kong configuration to a file
Help about any command
Verify connectivity with Kong
Reset deletes all entities in Kong
Sync performs operations to get Kong's configuration to match the state file
Validate the state file
Print the version of decK

Custom CA certificate to use to verify Kong's Admin TLS certificate. This value can also be set using DECK_CA_CERT environment variable.
config file (default is $HOME/.deck.yaml)
HTTP Headers(key:value) to inject in all requests to Kong's Admin API. This flag can be specified multiple times to inject multiple headers.
help for deck
HTTP Address of Kong's Admin API. This value can also be set using DECK_KONG_ADDR
environment variable. (default "http://localhost:8001")
disable colorized output
Skip API calls related to Workspaces (Kong Enterprise only)
Name to use to verify the hostname in Kong's Admin TLS certificate. This value can also be set using DECK_TLS_SERVER_NAME environment variable.
Disable verification of Kong's Admin TLS certificate. This value can also be set using DECK_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY environment variable.
Enable verbose verbose logging levels Setting this value to 2 outputs all HTTP requests/responses between decK and Kong.

Use "deck [command] --help" for more information about a command.

October 2024 deck 1.4.0