DC-TOOL(1) User Commands DC-TOOL(1)

dc-tool - Manage contributions to contributors.debian.org

usage: dc-tool [-h] [--debug] [--verbose] [--baseurl url] [--source SOURCE] [--auth-token AUTH_TOKEN] [--json] [--post] [--method method] [--mine conffile] [--mine-documentation] [source(s) ...]

JSON file(s) to post if --mine is not provided

show this help message and exit
enable debugging output
enable verbose output
URL to post data to (default: https://contributors.debian.org/)
Data source name
Authentication token. Use @file to use the file content as auth token.
write the JSON submission to standard output
POST contribution data to the site
Submission method ('replace' or 'extend')
Perform data mining using the given config file
Print data mining documentation in reStructuredText format
February 2024 dc-tool 0.7.9