DBVIEW(1) | Database Management | DBVIEW(1) |
dbview - View dBase III files
dbview [-b|--browse] [-d delim| --delimiter delim] [-D|--deleted] [-e|--description] [-h|--help] [-i|--info] [-o|--omit] [-v|--version] [-r|--reserve] [-t|--trim] dbfile
Dbview is a little tool that will display dBase III files. You can also use it to convert your old .dbf files for further use with Unix. It should also work with dBase IV files, but this is mostly untested.
By default dbview displays the contents of a dBase III or IV database file. This is be done by displaying both the name of the field itself and its value. At the end of every record a newline is appended.
If no option given dbview only displays the database in its most friendly way.
As dBase is DOS, umlauts are stored using a different code table (namely ASCII) than most modern unices (namely ANSI). If you encounter such a file, I would recommend piping the output through recode(1) with ibmpc:latin1 as it's argument.
If you want to examine the output generated by the browse mode, just take cut(1) and set its delimiter to the used delimiter or take awk(1) and continue.
Dbview is free software. It is based on routines from unknown source that I found on nic.funet.fi in /pub/msdos/languages/c as dbase.c. The file contained the following notice:
These functions are provided by Valour Software as a gift.
I have modified and included this file and wrote a skeleton around it. All together provides a powerful tool for dBase III and IV database manipulation under Unix.
I mainly have written this program, because I've got several dbase files containing important information for me. As I won't go running DOS every time I need some of the stored information, I had to find a viewer that runs unter Unix, resp. Linux, but unfortunately didn't find one. So it was my turn.
This package as a whole is published under the GNU Public License, which is a great invention.
It wasn't the intention to write a freaking viewer and reinvent the wheel again. Instead dbview is intend to be used in conjunction with your favourite unix text utilities like cut, recode and more.
Martin Schulze
Infodrom Oldenburg
recode(1), more(1), awk(1), cut(1).
November 20th, 2006 | Unix |