darkslide - html5 slideshow generator

darkslide [options] ...

Darkslide is a tool which can generates an HTML5 slideshow using lightweight markup as input.

You can write your slide contents easily using there syntaxes:

This tool support CSS/JS theming, embed images with Base64 (for stand-alone document) and fancy transitions.

A sample presentation is available here: <>.

Show help message and exit
Print exception traces to stderr
The path to the to the destination file: .html or .pdf extensions allowed (default: presentation.html)
Encoding of the input files (defaults to UTF-8)
Embed stylesheet and javascript contents, base64-encoded images in presentation to make a standalone document
How to output linenos in source code. Three options are available: no (no line numbers); inline (inside <pre> tag); table (lines numbers in another cell, copy-paste friendly)
Limit the TOC level generation to a specific level
Specify a theme modifier by name. Available: wide16x9
Print the generated HTML code to stdout
Don't include presenter notes in the output
Don't write anything to stdout (silent mode)
Make your presentation asset links relative to current pwd; This may be useful if you intend to publish your html presentation online.
A theme name, or path to a darkslide theme directory
Write informational messages to stdout (enabled by default)
Watch the source directory for changes and auto-regenerate the presentation
Comma-separated list of extensions for Markdown

Damien Raude-Morvan <>

March 2011 Darkslide