darkradiant - the level editor for The Dark Mod
darkradiant [ options ] filename
DarkRadiant is a level editor for The Dark Mod. It loads and saves Doom 3-format *.map files, making use of assets within a game installation tree.
In order to allow maximum customisability by after-market mods, the id software game engines use a three-directory system: the base directory, which is where the core game assets are installed, and then two mod-specific directories known as fs_game and fs_game_base. The intention is that fs_game_base is used for the common mod assets, and fs_game is available for individual map authors to further customise assets used in their own releases.
When editing Dark Mod missions, typically fs_game_base would be set to "darkmod", with fs_game either left blank or set to the value associated with a particular map author’s own release.
These values are normally configured in preferences, but they can be overridden on the command line if required:
The lighting render mode is very limited compared to the Doom 3 rendering system. In particular, there are no stencil shadows, foglights or any other complex lighting effects.
DarkRadiant is developed by the Dark Mod team, at http://www.thedarkmod.com
07/06/2018 |