CVE(1) cve Manual CVE(1)

cve - A CLI interface for the CVE Services API.


A CLI interface for the CVE Services API.

Your username (env var: CVE_USER) [required]
Your CNA organization short name (env var: CVE_ORG) [required]
Your API key (env var: CVE_API_KEY) [required]
Select deployment environment to query (env var: CVE_ENVIRONMENT)
Provide arbitrary URL for the CVE API (env var: CVE_API_URL)
Confirm create/update actions before execution (env var: CVE_INTERACTIVE)
Show the version and exit.

Publish a CVE record for a reserved (or...
See cve-publish(1) for full documentation on the publish command.

Reject a CVE record for a reserved or...
See cve-reject(1) for full documentation on the reject command.

Move a rejected CVE ID without a record...
See cve-undo-reject(1) for full documentation on the undo-reject command.

Reserve one or more CVE IDs.
See cve-reserve(1) for full documentation on the reserve command.

Display a specific CVE ID (and optionally...
See cve-show(1) for full documentation on the show command.

Filter and list reserved CVE IDs owned by...
See cve-list(1) for full documentation on the list command.

Display the available CVE ID quota for...
See cve-quota(1) for full documentation on the quota command.

Show information about a user.
See cve-user(1) for full documentation on the user command.

Show information about your organization.
See cve-org(1) for full documentation on the org command.

Ping the CVE Services API to see if it is up.
See cve-ping(1) for full documentation on the ping command.

2023-02-15 1.2.1