cufflinks - component of cufflinks suite
cufflinks [options] <hits.sam>
cufflinks v2.2.1 linked against Boost version 108300
- --no-faux-reads
- disable tiling by faux reads [ default: FALSE ]
- --3-overhang-tolerance
- overhang allowed on 3' end when merging with reference[ default: 600
- --intron-overhang-tolerance
- overhang allowed inside reference intron when merging [ default: 30 ]
- -v/--verbose
- log-friendly verbose processing (no progress bar) [ default: FALSE ]
- -q/--quiet
- log-friendly quiet processing (no progress bar) [ default: FALSE ]
- --no-update-check
- do not contact server to check for update availability[ default: FALSE
- ff-firststrand ff-secondstrand ff-unstranded fr-firststrand
fr-secondstrand fr-unstranded (default) transfrags