cssdiff(1) CRM114 cssdiff(1)

cssdiff - generate a difference summary of two .css files

cssdiff [cssfile 1] [cssfile 2]

This man page is taken from an older CRM114 version. It is provided as a convenience to Debian users and may not be up-to-date. If you would like to update it, please send appropriate patches to the Debian bug tracking system.

cssdiff is a special-purpose utility to measure the distance between the classes represented by cssfile1 and cssfile2. The summary result output tells how many features were in each of the .css files, how many features appeared in both (balanced overlap), how many features appeared only in one (or unbalanced overlaps), and how often the feature set of one .css file strictly dominated the feature set of another .css file. This set of metrics provides an intuitive way to determine the similarity (or dissimilarity) of two classes represented as .css files. When using the CRM114 spamfilter, it can be used to find out how easy it will be for CRM114 to differentiate spam from nonspam with your .css files. cssdiff prints a report like e.g.

   Sparse spectra file spam.css has 1048577 bins total
   Sparse spectra file nonspam.css has 1048577 bins total
   File 1 total features            :      1605968
   File 2 total features            :      1045152
   Similarities between files       :       142039
   Differences between files        :      1279964
   File 1 dominates file 2          :      1463929
   File 2 dominates file 1          :       903113

Note that in this case there's a big difference between the two files; in this case there are about 10 times as many differences between the two files as there are similarities.

There are no options to cssdiff.

Note that cssdiff as of version 20040816 is NOT capable of dealing with the CRM114 Winnow classifier's floating-point .cow files. Worse, cssdiff is unaware of it's shortcomings, and will try anyway. The only recourse is to be aware of this issue and not use cssdiff on Winnow classifier floating point .cow format files.


This manpage: $Id: cssdiff.azm,v 1.5 2004/08/19 09:06:44 vanbaal Exp $ This manpage describes cssdiff as shipped with crm114 version 20040816.BlameClockworkOrange.

William S. Yerazunis. Manpage typesetting by Joost van Baal and Shalendra Chhabra

Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 William S. Yerazunis. This is free software, copyrighted under the FSF's GPL. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the file COPYING for more details.

cssutil(1), cssmerge(1), crm(1), cssmerge(1)

19 Aug 2004 cssdiff 20040816.BlameClockworkOrange-auto.3