CPPTRAJ:(1) User Commands CPPTRAJ:(1)

CPPTRAJ: - fast, parallelized molecular dynamics trajectory data analysis

cpptraj [-p <Top0>] [-i <Input0>] [-y <trajin>] [-x <trajout>]

[-ya <args>] [-xa <args>] [<file>] [-c <reference>] [-d <datain>] [-w <dataout>] [-o <output>] [-h | --help] [-V | --version] [--defines] [-debug <#>] [--interactive] [--log <logfile>] [-tl] [-ms <mask>] [-mr <mask>] [--mask <mask>] [--resmask <mask>] [--rng {marsaglia|stdlib|mt|pcg32|xo128}]
: * Load <Top0> as a topology file.
: * Read input from file <Input0>.
: * Read from trajectory file <trajin>; same as input 'trajin <trajin>'.
: * Write trajectory file <trajout>; same as input 'trajout <trajout>'.
: * Input trajectory file arguments.
: * Output trajectory file arguments.
: * A topology, input trajectory, or file containing cpptraj input.
: * Read <reference> as reference coordinates; same as input 'reference <reference>'.
: * Read data in from file <datain> ('readdata <datain>').
: Write data from <datain> as file <dataout> ('writedata <dataout>).
: Write CPPTRAJ STDOUT output to file <output>.
: Print command line help and exit.
: Print version and exit.
: Print compiler defines and exit.
: Set global debug level to <#>; same as input 'debug <#>'.
: Force interactive mode.
: Record commands to <logfile> (interactive mode only). Default is 'cpptraj.log'.
: Print length of all input trajectories specified on the command line to STDOUT.
: Print selected atom numbers to STDOUT.
: Print selected residue numbers to STDOUT.
: Print detailed atom selection to STDOUT.

--resmask <mask> : Print detailed residue selection to STDOUT.

: Change default random number generator.
* Denotes flag may be specified multiple times.
August 2022 CPPTRAJ: Version V5.1.0 (GitHub)