CPCHOP(1) User Commands CPCHOP(1)

cpchop - Upscale simple statistics

cpchop gridfilename=cornerpointgrid.grdecl [option=value]

Utility for doing subsampling and property analysis of Eclipse grid files, typically generated in SBED or ReservoirStudio, but can be used on all corner point grids with box shape and vertical pillars.

Example usage:

cpchop gridfilename=HugeReservoirStudioGrid.grdecl subsamples=100 ilen=5 jlen=5 zlen=5

subsamples Number of subsamples. Defaults to 1.
filebase If supplied, grdecl-files for each subsample will be written to files named using this filebase, it may include directory names.
resultfile Name of a textfile to output table of results per subsample to.
ilen Length in i-direction of subsample, specified in number of cells. Defaults to all cells in i-direction.
jlen Length in j-direction of subsample, specified in number of cells. Defaults to all cells in j-direction.
zlen Length in z-direction of subsample, specified in the grids length unit (typically cm or m). Defaults to full height. imin Can be used to limit the search area for random subsamples. Defaults to minimum i in inputgrid (full model). imax Can be used to limit the search area for random subsamples. Defaults to maximum i in inputgrid (full model).
jmin Analog to imin, but in j-direction. Defaults to minimum j in inputgrid (full model).
jmax Analog to imax, but in j-direction. Defaults to maximum j in inputgrid (full model).
zmin Analog to imin, but in z-direction and specified in the grids length unit. Defaults to minimum in inputgrid.
zmax Analog to imax, but in z-direction and specified in the grids length unit. Defaults to maximum in inputgrid.
upscale Boolean for whether to do upscaling on the subsamples, either true or false. If the objective is to obtain a grdecl-file for the subsample, set to false for run time. Defaults to true.
bc Boundary condition type for upscaling, either fixed or periodic. Defaults to fixed.
resettoorigin If true, outputted grdecl-file will have its ZCORN-values and COORDS-values shifted so that the model is defined at the origin. If false, the outputted grdecl-file will be located in its original position. Defaults to true.
seed Provide a seed number. Defaults to 0.
minperm Minimum permeability. Defaults to 1e-9.
dips Whether to do dip averaging. Outputs dip and azimuth for each subsample. Defaults to false.
azimuthdisplacement Add or subtract value for dip, assumes dips is set to true. Defaults to zero.
satnumvolumes Count volumes per satnum/rocktype. Defaults to false.
mincellvolume Ignore cells with volume below threshold. Defaults to 1e-9.
endpoints Upscale saturation end-points. Defaults to false.
cappres Upscale capillary pressure. Defaults to false.
rock_list Provide a rock list for end-point upscaling.
anisotropirocks Directional saturation functions. Defaults to false.

Report on github repository <https://github.com/OPM/opm-upscaling/issues>


October 2021 cpchop 2021.10