cnee - record, replays or distributes X11 data
The program cnee can record and replay an X session. cnee
also has the ability to distribute events to multiple displays. cnee
gets copies of X protocol data from the X server. These are either printed
to file ( record mode) or replayed and synchronised ( replay
mode). During record and replay cnee can distribute the record/replayed
events to multiple displays.
- --err-file, -e
- Redirect all Xnee verbose output file_name(default is stderr)
- --out-file, -o
- Redirect all Xnee data to file_name(default is stdout)
- --display, -d
- X server to contact (default is localhost)
- --all-clients,
- Record all client's data (default)
- --data-to-record,
-dtr <n>
- Intercept n numbers of data ( n<0 means forever)
- --time, -t
- Delay start of application for <secs> seconds. Can be used to
prevent recording of KeyRelease when starting Xnee from terminal
- --record, -rec
- Set recording mode
- --replay, -rep
- Set replaying mode
- --distribute,
-di <LIST>
- Distribute recorded or replayed events to LIST where LIST is comma
separated list of displays
- --future-clients,
- Record future client's data (default)
- --plugin, -p
- Use the plugin name
- --verbose, -v
- Enable verbose printout
- --feedback-xosd,
- Use xosd to feedback
- --feedback-stderr,
- Use stderr to feedback
- --feedback-none,
- Dont' use feedback
- --device-event-range,
-devera <X_LIST>
- Set device event range to X_LIST
- --keep-autorepeat,
- Keep autorepeat during record/replay
- --no-reparent-recording,
- Prevent explicit recording of ReparentNotify event
- --first-last
- Print only first and last of multiple successive MotionEvent
- --all-events
- Intercept all events
- --events-to-record,
-etr <n>
- Intercept n numbers of events ( n<0 means forever)
- --seconds-to-record,
-str <n>
- Intercept for n seconds ( n<0 means forever)
- --recorded-resolution
- Resolution to use when recording is set to res
- --human-printout,
- Prints human readable
- --store-mouse-position,
- Store the initial position of the mouse
- --request-range,
-reqra <X_LIST>
- Set request range to X_LIST
- --reply-range,
-repra <X_LIST>
- Set reply range to X_LIST
- --delivered-event-range,
-devra <X_LIST>
- Set delivered event range to X_LIST
- --error-range,
-erra <X_LIST>
- Set error range to X_LIST
- --extension-request-major-range,
-erqmar <X_LIST>
- Set extension request major range to X_LIST
- --extension-request-minor-range,
-erqmir <X_LIST>
- Set extension request minor range to X_LIST
- --extension-reply-major-range,
-erpmar <X_LIST>
- Set extension reply major range to X_LIST
- --extension-reply-minor-range,
-erpmir <X_LIST>
- Set extension reply minor range to X_LIST
- --record-from-data-display,
- Record from data display. This option is experimental.
- --record-from-control-display,
- Record from control display. This option is experimental.
- --speed-percent,
-sp <speed>
- Set replaying speed percentage is set to speed
- --replay-resolution
- Resolution to use when replaying is set to res
- --resolution-adjustment
- Use resolution adjustment
- --synchronised-replay
- Synchronise during replay
- --no-synchronise,
- Don't use synchornisation during replay
- --recall-window-position,
- Recall the recorded window position to be used during replay
- --force-replay,
- Keep replaying even if we are out of sync .... dangerous
- --buffer-verbose,
- Enable verbose printout of replay buffer
- --max-threshold,
-mat <nr>
- Set the maximum threshold for sync to nr
- --min-threshold,
-mit <nr>
- Set the minimum threshold for sync to tnr
- --tot-threshold,
-tot <nr>
- Set the total threshold for sync to nr
- --replay-offset,
-ro <x,y>
- Set the replay offset to (x,y)
- --max-window-moves,
- Maximum times Xnee will try to move a window to the position it was in
when recorded
- --file, -f
- Read data from file file_name (default is stdin)
- --help, -h
- Print this message
- --flags
- Prints all flags/options xnee accepts
- --project, -pr
- Use project file file_name
- --version, -V
- Print product information
- --retype-file
- Types (faking user) the contents of the specified file
- --write-settings
- Writes settings to a resource file
- --print-settings,
- Prints Xnee settings and waits (for <ENTER>)
- --print-event-names,
- Prints X11 event number and name
- --print-event-name,
-pen <ev>
- Prints X11 event number or name coresponding to ev
- --print-error-names,
- Prints X11 error number and name
- --print-error-name,
-pern <er>
- Prints X11 error number or name coresponding to er
- --print-reply-names,
- Prints X11 reply number and name
- --print-request-names,
- Prints X11 request number and name
- --print-request-name,
-prn <req>
- Prints X11 request number or name coresponding to req
- --keyboard
- Record the keyboard
- --mouse
- Record mouse events
- --print-data-names,
- Prints X11 data number and name
- --manpage
- Prints Xnee help text in format as used when generating man page
- --texipage
- Prints Xnee help text in format as used when generating info page
- --type-help
- Type this help message using faked keys (used to test xnee itself)
- --demonstration,
- Let Xnee take you on a demonstration ride
- --check-syntax,
- Check syntax of the command line and/or project file (no exec)
- --get-xinput-event-base,
- Get the event base for Xinput Extension
- --disable-xinput-events,
- Disable recording of XInput events
- --replay-backend,
- <backend>
- --force-core-replay,
- Discard record X Input device data, use recorded core device data
- --record-replay,
- Record and replay a session (press q to stop recording)
- file_name
- Name of a file (e.g /tmp/my_file.xns)
- display_name
- Name of a display (e.g
- secs
- Seconds (e.g 10)
- n
- Integer number (e.g 100)
- Comma separated list of display (e.g,
- Comma separated list of integers (e.g 12-23,35,45-56)
Report bugs in the program to
Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Henrik
Sandklef. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty;not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
xnee man page, version 3.19
This page describes cnee. Mail corrections and additions to