clm vol(1) USER COMMANDS clm vol(1)

clm_vol - compute volatile nodes from a set of clusterings

clmvol is not in actual fact a program. This manual page documents the behaviour and options of the clm program when invoked in mode vol. The options -h, --apropos, --version, -set, --nop are accessible in all clm modes. They are described in the clm manual page.

clm vol [-o fname (output file)] [-imx fname (read network)] [--self (include self-comparisons)] [-write-rcl fname (write rcl network)] <cl file>+

clm vol computes a score for each node, which is expressed as a promille. The output is in the form of a matrix containing a single column. The score inversely correlates with what is deemed to be volatile behaviour. For all pairs of clusterings the set of all intersections is computed, and these are considered in turn.

The list of cluster files can be split in two parts by inserting a double hyphen (--) inbetween the parts. Comparisons will be between all pairs where one clustering is in the first part and the other clustering is in the second part.

Stijn van Dongen.

-o fname (output file)

-imx fname (read network)

-write-rcl fname (write rcl network)

--self (include self-comparisons)

Specifying the file name causes the Restricted Contingency Linkage network to be computed and saved to that file. If --self is specified each clusters is compared to itself as well as to other clusterings, effectively incorporating the standard cluster co-ocurrence edge weight as a contribution to the RCL network.

mclfamily(7) for an overview of all the documentation and the utilities in the mcl family.

9 Oct 2022 clm vol 22-282