CLEARCUT(1) User Commands CLEARCUT(1)

Clearcut - Relaxed Neighbor Joining

clearcut --in=<infilename> --out=<outfilename> [options]...

Display this information.
Print the version of this program.
More output. (Default: OFF)
Silent operation. (Default: ON)
Explicitly set the PRNG seed to a specific value.
Attempt joins deterministically. (Default: OFF)
Randomly shuffle the distance matrix. (Default: OFF)
Use traditional Neighbor-Joining algorithm. (Default: OFF)

Read input from STDIN.
Input file is a distance matrix. (Default: ON)
Input file is a set of aligned sequences. (Default: OFF)
Input alignment are DNA sequences.
Input alignment are protein sequences.

Use Jukes-Cantor correction for computing distance matrix.
Use Kimura correction for distance matrix.

Output tree to STDOUT.

-m, --matrixout=<file> Output distance matrix to specified file.

Output n trees. (Default: 1)
Exponential notation for branch lengths. (Default: OFF)
Exponential notation in distance output. (Default: OFF)

Compute tree by supplying distance matrix via stdin:

clearcut --distance < distances.txt > treefile.tre

clearcut --alignment --DNA --in=alignment.txt --out=treefile.tre
February 2014 Clearcut Version: 1.0.9