cif_adjust_journal_name_volume - parse a CIF file, update the journal name and journal volume based on heuristics and output the updated file to STDOUT. The following heuristic is applied: if journal volume starts with a letter, add this letter to the journal name, and leave journal volume purely numeric.

cif_adjust_journal_name_volume --options input1.cif input*.cif

Parse a CIF file, update the journal name and journal volume based on heuristics and output the updated file to STDOUT.

The following heuristic is applied: if journal volume starts with a letter, add this letter to the journal name, and leave journal volume purely numeric.

Keep the original tag order in CIF file (default).

Reorder tags in CIF file according to COD.

Use Perl parser to parse CIF files.

Use C parser to parse CIF files (default).

--help, --usage
Output a short usage message (this message) and exit.

Output version information and exit.

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