CIF2CELL(1) User Commands CIF2CELL(1)

cif2cell - prepare CIF files for electronic structure calculations

cif2cell FILE [-p PROGRAM] [other options]

A program for generating input lattice structures to various electronic structure programs from a CIF (Crystallographic Information Framework) file. This code was published in Comput. Phys. Commun. 182, 1183 (2011). Please cite generously.

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Print version number.
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Suppress all but explicitly requested screen output. Overrides --verbose flag.
General options:
Input CIF file, unless given as first argument to the program.
The electronic structure code you want to create input file(s) for. Currently supports: abinit, ase, atat, bmdl, castep, cellgen, cfg, cif, coo, cp2k, cpmd, crymol, crystal09, elk, emto, exciting, fhi-aims, fleur, hutsepot, kfcd, kgrn, kstr, lammps, mopac, ncol, pwscf, quantum-espresso, rspt, shape, siesta, spacegroup, spc, sprkkr, vasp, xband, xyz. This keyword is case insensitive.
Name of output file (if other than default for you electronic structure code).
Append the output to given output file rather than overwriting.
Set the CIF grammar to be used when parsing the input file (default is 1.1).
If given together with the --program option, the name of the output file will be printed to screen.
Block of data in input file (if there are more than one block in the CIF file).
Cell generation options:
Do not reduce to the primitive cell.
Attempt to force generation of output file despite problems and/or ambiguities in the input file. There are no guarantees that what you get makes sense, but the program makes an honest attempt. Implies --forcealloy.
Force generation of output file for an alloy compound for an electronic structure code that does not implement any alloy theory (such as CPA).
Set up an alloy using the virtual crystal approximation (VCA). Currently only supported by the CASTEP interface.
Make the program generate any output in cartesian coordinates.
Parameter for determining when two coordinates are the same (default=0.0002).
Make a more complete setup, not just the geometrical part. This is currently only available for mopac, pwscf, quantum-espresso, rspt, vasp.
The desired resolution in k-space (default=0.2). Used for generating k-space grid options if --setup-all is specified.
Transformation matrix applied to the lattice vectors and the symmetry operations if you, for example, want to realign the cell.
If set to 1, use the more symmetrical set of primitive translation vectors used for the bcc structure also for other body-centred crystals.
Set up cubic cell with [111] direction along the z-axis.
Set up rhombohedral cell with threefold axis along pseudocubic [111] direction.
Randomly displace all atoms. Depending on the distribution, the displacement size is either the maximal displacement (for uniform distribution) or the standard deviation (for gaussian distribution) in Angstrom.
The distribution used for displacing the atoms.
Export atom labels from the CIF file (currently only supported for castep and RSPt).
Supercell generation options:
Three integers separated with commas and enclosed in square brackets that specify the dimensions of a supercell OR three vectors of integers that gives the map to the supercell to be constructed from the primitive cell. If combined with the --no-reduce option the supercell will instead be generated based on the conventional cell.
Three numbers separated with commas and enclosed in square brackets that specify the desired ABSOLUTE dimensions of a supercell (in angstrom) OR three vectors of numbers that gives the desired lattice vectors. The program will automatically generate a supercell, attempting to get as close as possible to the desired dimensions.
Three numbers >=0 separated with commas and enclosed in square brackets that specify a number of unit cell units of vacuum to be added along the first, second or third of the generated lattice vectors.
Three numbers separated with commas and enclosed in square brackets that specify a shift of all atomic positions in the cell prior to vacuum generation (in units of the lattice vectors of the supercell).
Three numbers separated with commas and enclosed in square brackets that specify a final shift of all atomic positions in the final cell (in units of the lattice vectors of the new cell).
Realign the supercell lattice vectors with respect to the cartesian reference frame. For orthorhombic cells, it puts the first, second and third lattice vectors along x, y and z, respectively.
Sort the atom positions by some scheme. Currently available are: 1) By cartesian coordinate - example: xzy will sort first on x then on z then on y. 2) by lattice vector - example: 132 will sort first by lattice vector 1 then by lattice vector 3 and last by lattice vector 2.
Surface generation options:
Three integers separated with commas and enclosed in square brackets that specify a (hkl) plane. The wizard will suggest a supercell map that gives the first two lattice vectors in the (hkl) plane. The third lattice vector is selected as the [hkl] direction, or reasonably orthogonal to the (hkl) plane (if the [hkl] direction is far from orthogonal to this plane).
Printing options:
Number of digits used when printing coordinates etc. to screen (default=8). Useful if you need to tweak the screen output for cutting and pasting into some unsupported program. There is no point in going over 16 because of the floating point accuracy.
Output lattice parameters in bohrradii rather than angstrom.
Atomic sites printed to screen in cartesian rather than lattice coordinates.
Print symmetry operations of the generated cell.
Print symmetry operations of the generated cell in Seitz matrix form.
Print information about the oxidation state from the CIF file.
Print citation in BibTeX format and exit.
Program specific options:
Put curly braces around input values for ABINIT.
Nine integers separated with commas and enclosed three and three in square brackets (this is a matrix in Python) that specify the map to a supercell to be output for the RSPt supercell generator 'cellgen'. Overrides --cellgen-supercell-dims.
Three integers separated with commas and enclosed in square brackets that specify the dimensions of a supercell to be output to the RSPt supercell generator 'cellgen' (the diagonal elements of the 'map').
Three reals separated with commas and enclosed in square brackets that specify an optional shift of the origin used by the RSPt supercell generator 'cellgen'.
Output atom positions in cartesian rather than lattice coordinates.
Output to CASTEP in atomic units (bohr radii) rather than angstrom.
Set the cutoff written to the &SYSTEM block (default=100.0 Ry).
For trigonal spacegroups where this is possible, specify the rhombohedral cell in the Crystal09 input.
Set hard spheres in KSTR to something other than the default (=0.67).
Store the coordinates for FHI-AIMS in cartesian format.
String to be used for the first line (the run commands) of the MOPAC input.
String to be used for the second line (documentation) of the MOPAC input.
String to be used for the third line (documentation) of the MOPAC input.
If set to 'T' then add a 0 after each coordinate (freezing the structure), if set to 'F' then add a 1 (allowing everything to relax).
String to attach to the element name to identify the pseudopotential file (e.g. something like "_HSCV_PBE-1.0.UPF").
Write PWSCF .in file in atomic units (bohr) rather than angstrom.
Use 'alat' units for the positions in the PWSCF .in file.
Write lattice vectors and positions to PWSCF .in file in cartesian coordinates and set the lengths scale to 1.
Write lattice vectors to PWSCF .in file in cartesian coordinates and set the lengths scale to 1.
Write lattice positions to PWSCF .in file in cartesian coordinates.
Generate a symt.inp file in the new format.
Generate new format symt.inp file with spin polarization.
Generate new format symt.inp file with relativistic effects.
Spin axis for symt.inp (default is [0.0,0.0,0.0].
Force a nonmagnetic setup in conjunction with --setupall.
Integer that gives the method for setting muffin tin radii.
Put lattice vectors in atomic units and the lenght scale parameter to 1.
Pass wyckoff labels from CIF file to the symt/rspt.inp file.
Enforce minimum onsite angular momentum (=l+1, so that 3 will be d-states).
Three integers separated with commas and enclosed in square brackets that specify the dimensions of a supercell to be output to the elk input generator 'spacegroup'.
Format of the generated POSCAR file, either 4 or 5. Default is 4.
Print the atomic species to screen in the order they are put in the POSCAR file (useful for scripting).
Write lattice vectors and positions to POSCAR file in cartesian coordinates and set length to 1.
Write lattice vectors to POSCAR file in cartesian coordinates and set the length scale to 1.
Write atomic positions to POSCAR file in Cartesian rather than Direct coordinates.
Output POSCAR in selective dynamics format (without any constrained atoms).
Path to the VASP pseudopotential library. Also settable by the VASP_PAWLIB environment variable.
Set the priority of different pseudopotentials by a list of suffixes. Also available via the VASP_PP_PRIORITY environment variable.
Factor that multiplies the maximal ENCUT found in the POTCAR file.
Output xyz file in atomic units (bohr radii) rather than angstrom.
February 2024 cif2cell 2.1.0+dfsg