CHANGEME(1) User Commands CHANGEME(1)

changeme - Default Credential Scanner

A default Credential Scanner with support for various protocols

changeme [options] <target>

Target to scan. Can be IP, subnet, hostname, nmap xml file, text file or proto://host:port

show this help message and exit
Scan for all protocols
Category of default creds to scan for
Display cred file contributors
Debug output
Specify a delay in milliseconds to avoid 429 status codes default=500
Print all of the loaded credentials
Print urls to be scan, but don't scan them
Fingerprint targets, but don't check creds
Flush any previous scans and start fresh
Write logs to logfile
Make cred file
Narrow testing to the supplied credential name
Don't perform a version check
HTTP(S) Proxy
Name of result file. File extension determines type (csv, html, json).
Output results files in csv, html and json formats
Comma separated list of protocols to test: http,ssh,ssh_key. Defaults to http.
Scan all protocols on all specified ports
Redis server
Redis server
Resume previous scan
Shodan query
Shodan API key
Force cred to SSL and fall back to non-SSL if an SSLError occurs
Number of threads, default=10
Timeout in seconds for a request, default=10
User agent string to use
Validate creds files
Verbose output

changeme Scan single host

changeme was developed by ztgrace, this manpage was made by Samuel Henrique <> based on changeme --help output and can be used by other projects as well.

June 2018 changeme 1.1.1