bts-srcpkg(1) Debian Perl packaging Tools bts-srcpkg(1)

bts-srcpkg - query for bugs in a source package

bts-srcpkg [-a] [-f] [-h] [-m] [-c] [-t] [source package name]

bts-srcpkg queries the Debian BTS for bugs in a source package.

The source package name can be passed as a command line parameter. By default, it is read from debian/control in the current directory.

If you are in a Debian source directory, you can just type bts-srcpkg to get a list of the open bugs of the package you are working on.

Name of the source package to query bugs for. By default, the name is taken from debian/control in the current directory.

Also show done or archived bugs. By default, only open bugs are shown.
Also show less relevant fields. By default, only bug_num, originator, subject, severity, forwarded, and tags are shown.
Don't colorize output. By default, output uses colors, unless STDOUT is not a tty or the environment variables CLICOLOR or NO_COLOR are set to false or true, respectively.
Don't output the title with the packagename. Might be convenient when called from another script.
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Copyright 2011, 2016, 2021, 2022, gregor herrmann <>

This program is free software. You may distribute it under the same terms as Perl.

2024-03-04 pkg-perl-tools 0.78