brotli-rs - A brotli compressor and decompressor.
A brotli compressor and decompressor that with an interface
avoiding the rust stdlib. This makes it suitable for embedded devices and
kernels. It is designed with a pluggable allocator so that the standard
lib's allocator may be employed. All included code is safe.
- -catable,
- Enable concatable mode, so that the generated data can be added to block
generated with --apendable
- -nothreadpool,
- Disables the work thread pool
- -appendable,
- Enables apendable mode, so that the datastream can be extended with more
data from the --catable mode
- -magic,
- Enables magic number as the first bytes, so that a brotli compressed
stream can be easily detected
- -customdictionary=[FILE]
- Reads a custom dictionare from file
- --dump-dictionary
- Prints the dictionary used
- -utf8
- Forces the utf8 context mode in the compression
- -msb
- Forces the msb context mode in the compression
- -lsb
- Forces the lsb context mode in the compression
- -signed
- Forces the signed context mode in the compression
- -efficient
- favor cpu efficiency over low latency
- -lowlatency
- favor cpu low latency over efficiency
- -i
- display the intermediate representation of metablocks
- -0, -q0
- Sets quality = 0
- -1, -q1
- Sets quality = 1
- -2, -q2
- Sets quality = 2
- -3, -q3
- Sets quality = 3
- -4, -q4
- Sets quality = 4
- -5, -q5
- Sets quality = 5
- -6, -q6
- Sets quality = 6
- -7, -q7
- Sets quality = 7
- -8, -q8
- Sets quality = 8
- -9, -q9
- Sets quality = 9
- -10, -q10
- Sets quality = 10
- -11, -q11
- Sets quality = 11
- -9.5, -q9.5
- Sets quality = 10
- -9.5x, -q9.5x
- Sets quality = 11
- -q9.5y
- Sets quality = 12
- -l[NUMBER]
- Sets the input block size
- -j[NUMBER]
- Sets maximum size of the threadpool
- -bytescore=[NUMBER]
- Sets the literal_byte_score value of the hasher, default 0
- -w[NUMBER]
- Sets the lgwin value, default 22
- -validate,
- Enables validation
- -bs[NUMBER]
- Sets the buffer size
- -findprior
- Enables prior bitmask detection
- -findspeed=[NUMBER]
- Sets cdf adaptation detection to [NUMBER]
- -basicstride
- Sets stride
- -stride
- Sets stride
- -advstride
- Sets stride
- -speed=[NUMBER]
- Sets speed
- -avoiddistanceprefixsearch
- Avoids distance prefix search
- -b[NUMBER]
- Does benchmark
- -c
- Enables compression mode
- -h, --help
- Prints the help text
- 0
- Successful program execution.
- 1
- Unsuccessful program execution.
- 101
- The program panicked.
Daniel Reiter Horn <>