breathe-apidoc - extract API documentation from Doxygen

breathe-apidoc -o DESTDIR [-f] [-m] [-n] [-T] [-s SUFFIX] [-p PROJECT] [-g TYPE] [-q] PATH

breathe-apidoc parses the XML output generated by doxygen(1) and extracts the API documentation for use with Sphinx.

The following command line arguments are recognized:

the location of the index.xml file generated by Doxygen
directory to place all output
overwrite existing files
include information about members of class, group, interface, namespace, and struct types
run the script without actually creating output files
do not create a table of contents files
file extension for the created Sphinx input files (defaults to .rst).
add project PROJECT to generated directives
suppress informational messages


This manual page was written for the Debian project by Timo Röhling, and may be used without restriction.

October 2021 breathe-apidoc 4.31.0