BORG-CHECK(1) | borg backup tool | BORG-CHECK(1) |
borg-check - Check repository consistency
borg [common options] check [options]
The check command verifies the consistency of a repository and its archives. It consists of two major steps:
Both steps can also be run independently. Pass --repository-only to run the repository checks only, or pass --archives-only to run the archive checks only.
The --max-duration option can be used to split a long-running repository check into multiple partial checks. After the given number of seconds the check is interrupted. The next partial check will continue where the previous one stopped, until the full repository has been checked. Assuming a complete check would take 7 hours, then running a daily check with --max-duration=3600 (1 hour) would result in one full repository check per week. Doing a full repository check aborts any previous partial check; the next partial check will restart from the beginning. With partial repository checks you can run neither archive checks, nor enable repair mode. Consequently, if you want to use --max-duration you must also pass --repository-only, and must not pass --archives-only, nor --repair.
Warning: Please note that partial repository checks (i.e. running it with --max-duration) can only perform non-cryptographic checksum checks on the segment files. A full repository check (i.e. without --max-duration) can also do a repository index check. Enabling partial repository checks excepts archive checks for the same reason. Therefore partial checks may be useful with very large repositories only where a full check would take too long.
The --verify-data option will perform a full integrity verification (as opposed to checking the CRC32 of the segment) of data, which means reading the data from the repository, decrypting and decompressing it. It is a complete cryptographic verification and hence very time consuming, but will detect any accidental and malicious corruption. Tamper-resistance is only guaranteed for encrypted repositories against attackers without access to the keys. You can not use --verify-data with --repository-only.
The check command is a readonly task by default. If any corruption is found, Borg will report the issue and proceed with checking. To actually repair the issues found, pass --repair.
Pursuant to the previous warning it is also highly recommended to test the reliability of the hardware running Borg with stress testing software. This especially includes storage and memory testers. Unreliable hardware might lead to additional data loss.
It is highly recommended to create a backup of your repository before running in repair mode (i.e. running it with --repair).
Repair mode will attempt to fix any corruptions found. Fixing corruptions does not mean recovering lost data: Borg can not magically restore data lost due to e.g. a hardware failure. Repairing a repository means sacrificing some data for the sake of the repository as a whole and the remaining data. Hence it is, by definition, a potentially lossy task.
In practice, repair mode hooks into both the repository and archive checks:
Most steps taken by repair mode have a one-time effect on the repository, like removing a lost archive from the repository. However, replacing a corrupt or lost chunk with an all-zero replacement will have an ongoing effect on the repository: When attempting to extract a file referencing an all-zero chunk, the extract command will distinctly warn about it. The FUSE filesystem created by the mount command will reject reading such a "zero-patched" file unless a special mount option is given.
As mentioned earlier, Borg might be able to "heal" a "zero-patched" file in repair mode, if all its previously lost chunks reappear (e.g. via a later backup). This is achieved by Borg not only keeping track of the all-zero replacement chunks, but also by keeping metadata about the lost chunks. In repair mode Borg will check whether a previously lost chunk reappeared and will replace the all-zero replacement chunk by the reappeared chunk. If all lost chunks of a "zero-patched" file reappear, this effectively "heals" the file. Consequently, if lost chunks were repaired earlier, it is advised to run --repair a second time after creating some new backups.
See borg-common(1) for common options of Borg commands.
The Borg Collective
2024-04-01 |