bisonc++ - Generate a C++ parser class and parsing function
bisonc++ [OPTIONS] grammar-file
Bisonc++ derives from previous work on bison by
Alain Coetmeur (, who created in the early ’90s a
C++ class encapsulating the yyparse function as generated by
the GNU-bison parser generator.
Initial versions of bisonc++ (up to version 0.92) wrapped
Alain’s program in a program offering a more modern user-interface,
removing all old-style (C) %define directives from
bison++’s input specification file (see below for an in-depth
discussion of the differences between bison++ and bisonc++).
Starting with version 0.98, bisonc++ is a complete rebuilt of the
parser generator, closely following descriptions given in Aho, Sethi and
Ullman’s Dragon Book. Since version 0.98 bisonc++ is a
C++ program, rather than a C program generating C++
Bisonc++ expands the concepts initially implemented in
bison and bison++, offering a cleaner setup of the generated
parser class. The parser class is derived from a base-class, mainly
containing the parser’s token- and type-definitions as well as
several member functions which should not be modified by the programmer.
Most of these base-class members might also be defined directly in
the parser class, but were defined in the parser’s base-class. This
design results in a very lean parser class, declaring only members that are
actually defined by the programmer or that have to be defined by
bisonc++ itself (e.g., the member function parse as well as
some support functions requiring access to facilities that are only
available in the parser class itself, rather than in the parser’s
base class).
This design does not require any virtual members: the members
which are not involved in the actual parsing process may always be
(re)implemented directly by the programmer. Thus there is no need to apply
or define virtual member functions.
Before version 5.00.00 bisonc++ offered one single manual
page. The advantage of one man-page is of course that you never have to look
for which manual page contains which information. But on the other hand,
bisonc++’s man-page grew into a huge man-page of about 2000
lines in which it was hard to find your way. From release 5.00.00 onward,
three man-pages. The index below relates manual pages to their specific
Overview of the contents of bisonc++’s man-pages
This man-page concentrates on the bisonc++ program itself,
offering the following sections:
- o
- DESCRIPTION: a short description of bisonc++ and its
- o
- FROM BISONC++ < 6.00.00 TO BISONC++ >= 6.00.00: required
modifications when re-generating parsers;
- o
- OPTIONS: options supported by bisonc++.
- o
- QUICK START: a quick start overview about how to use
- o
- GENERATED FILES: files generated by bisonc++ and their
- o
- FILES: skeleton files used by bisonc++;
- o
- SEE ALSO: references to other programs and documentation;
- o
- BUGS: some additional stuff that should not qualify as bugs.
- o
- ABOUT bisonc++: Some history;
- o
- AUTHOR: at the end of this man-page. )
The bisonc++input(7) man-page covers the details of the
grammar-specification file. This man-page offers these sections:
- o
- DESCRIPTION: a short description of bisonc++ and its grammar
- o
- DIRECTIVES: bisonc++’s grammar-specification
- o
- POLYMORPHIC SEMANTIC VALUES: how to use polymorphic semantic values
in parsers generated by bisonc++;
- o
- DOLLAR NOTATIONS: available $-shorthand notations with single,
union, and polymorphic semantic value types.
- o
- RESTRICTIONS ON TOKEN NAMES: name restrictions for user-defined
- o
- OBSOLETE SYMBOLS: symbols available to bison(1), but not to
- o
to refer to tokens defined in the grammar;
- o
- EXAMPLE: an example of using bisonc++;
- o
- SEE ALSO: references to other programs and documentation;
- o
- AUTHOR: at the end of this man-page.
The bisonc++api(3) describes the application
programmer’s interface, containing these sections:
- o
- DESCRIPTION: a short description of bisonc++ and its
application programmer’s interface;
- o
- PUBLIC SYMBOLS: constructor, enums, members, and types that can be
used by calling software;
- o
- PRIVATE ENUMS AND -TYPES: enumerations and types only available to
the Parser class;
- o
- PRIVATE MEMBER FUNCTIONS: member functions that are only available
to the Parser class;
- o
- PRIVATE DATA MEMBERS: data members that are only available to the
Parser class;
- o
types and variables that are used to define and store the grammar-tables
generated by bisonc++;
- o
- SEE ALSO: references to other programs and documentation;
- o
- AUTHOR: at the end of this man-page.
This section is only relevant when re-generating parser code
previously generated by bisonc++ versions before 6.00.00.
Bisonc++ version 6.00.00 generates code that significantly
differs from code generated by earlier versions. The identifiers of all
members (both data and functions) that are generated by bisonc++ and
accessible to the generated parser-class end in an underscore character.
Member functions whose identifiers end in an underscore are `owned’
by bisonc++, are rewritten each time bisonc++ is run, and
should not be modified. Some members are defined as members of the generated
parser-class, and are declared in the parser class header file (e.g.,
parser.h) and some members are given default implementations in the
parser’s internal header file (e.g., parser.ih). Once
generated, these files are left alone by bisonc++. Therefore, when
using bisonc++ version 6.00.00 or beyond to re-generate a parser
which was originally generated by an earlier bisonc++ version, the
existing parser header and internal header files need some minor
- o
- void error(char const *) was changed to void error(). A
default implementation is provided in the parser’s internal header
file. The current implementation directly inserts the text Syntax
error into the standard output stream;
- o
- void exceptionHandler_(std::exception const &exc) was changed
to void exceptionHandler(std::exception const &exc). A default
implementation is provided in the parser’s internal header file,
and only its trailing underscore characters need to be removed;
- o
- int lookup(bool recovery): remove this member declaration from the
previously generated parser class;
- o
- The following members are declared without a trailing underscore character
in the generated parser class. An underscore character should be added to
their identifiers: executeAction, errorRecovery, nextToken.
- o
- The member void nextCycle_() must be declared in the private
section of the generated parser class.
Previously, several data members of the parser’s base class
were directly accessible to the parser class. Bisonc++ version
6.00.00 restricts access to those members. They can still be read, but no
longer modified by the parser class. This applies to the following
- o
- d_token_: use int token_() instead;
- o
- d_state_: use size_t state_() instead;
Where available, single letter options are listed between
parentheses beyond their associated long-option variants. Single letter
options require arguments if their associated long options also require
arguments. Options affecting the class- or implementation header files are
ignored if these files already exist. Options accepting a `filename’
do not accept path names, i.e., they cannot contain directory separators
(/); options accepting a ’pathname’ may contain
directory separators.
Some options may cause errors. This happens when they conflict
with the contents of a file which bisonc++ cannot modify (e.g., a
parser class header file exists, but doesn’t define a namespace, but
a --namespace option was specified).
To solve the error the offending option could be omitted; the
existing file could be removed; or the existing file could be hand-edited
according to the option’s specification.
Note that bisonc++ currently does not handle the opposite
error condition: if a previously used option is omitted, then
bisonc++ does not report an inconsistency. In those cases compilation
errors may be observed.
- o
- --analyze-only (-A)
Only analyze the grammar. No files are (re)written. This option can be used
to test the grammatic correctness of modification `in situ’,
without overwriting previously generated files. If the grammar contains
syntactic errors only syntax analysis is performed.
- o
- --baseclass-header=filename (-b)
Filename defines the name of the file to contain the parser’s
base class. This class defines, e.g., the parser’s symbolic tokens.
Defaults to the name of the parser class plus the suffix base.h. It
is generated, unless otherwise indicated (see --no-baseclass-header
and --dont-rewrite-baseclass-header below).
- It is an error if this option is used and an already existing parser class
header file does not contain #include
- o
- --baseclass-preinclude=pathname (-H)
Pathname defines the path to the file preincluded in the
parser’s base-class header. This option is needed in situations
where the base class header file refers to types which might not yet be
known. E.g., with polymorphic semantic values a std::string value
type might be used. Since the string header file is not by default
included in parserbase.h we somehow need to inform the compiler
about this and possibly other headers. The suggested procedure is to use a
pre-include header file declaring the required types. By default
`header’ is surrounded by double quotes: #include
"header" is used when the option -H header is
specified. When the argument is surrounded by pointed brackets #include
<header> is included. In the latter case, quotes might be
required to escape interpretation by the shell (e.g., using -H
- o
- --baseclass-skeleton=pathname (-B)
Pathname defines the path name to the file containing the skeleton of
the parser’s base class. It defaults to the installation-defined
default path name (e.g., /usr/share/bisonc++/ plus
- o
- --class-header=filename (-c)
Filename defines the name of the file to contain the parser class.
Defaults to the name of the parser class plus the suffix .h
- It is an error if this option is used and an already existing
implementation header file does not contain #include
- o
- --class-name className
Defines the name of the C++ class that is generated. If neither this
option, nor the %class-name directory is specified, then the
default class name (Parser) is used.
- It is an error if this option is used and className differs from
the name of the class that is defined in an already existing parser-class
header file and/or if an already existing implementation header file does
not define members of the class `className’.
- o
- --class-skeleton=pathname (-C)
Pathname defines the path name to the file containing the skeleton of
the parser class. It defaults to the installation-defined default path
name (e.g., /usr/share/bisonc++/ plus bisonc++.h).
- o
- --construction
Details about the construction of the parsing tables are written to the same
file as written by the --verbose option (i.e.,
<grammar>.output, where <grammar> is the input
file read by bisonc++). This information is primarily useful for
developers. It augments the information written to the verbose grammar
output file, generated by the --verbose option.
- o
- --debug
Provide the generated parse and its support functions with debugging
code, optionally showing the actual parsing process on the standard output
stream. When included, the debugging output is active by default, but its
activity may be controlled using the setDebug(bool on-off) member.
Bisonc++ does not use #ifdef DEBUG macros. Rerun
bisonc++ without the --debug option to remove the debugging
- Note that this option does not show the actions of
bisonc++’s own parser, its own lexical scanner or merely the
numbers of the case-entries executed by the parser’s parse
function. If that is what you want, use the --own-debug,
--action-cases, --scanner-debug and/or --own-tokens
- When polymorphic semantic values are used (see section POLYMORPHIC
SEMANTIC VALUES) then the generated parser might attempt to retrieve
an incorrect polymorphic value. In that case a fatal error is generated,
ending bisonc++’s run. The error message itself cannot refer
to the action block where the error occurred. If this situation is
encountered, rerun bisonc++, specifying --debug and call
parser.setDebug(Parser::ACTIONCASES): as a debugging aid the
generated parser then shows the executeAction switch’s case entry
numbers just before their execution.
- o
- --default-actions=off|quiet|warn (-d)
When warn is specified (which is the default) an action block
executing $$ = $1 (or $$ = STYPE_{} for empty production
rules) is added to production rules that do not explicitly define their
own final action blocks, while issuing a warning. When quiet is
specified these action blocks are silently added. It is an error when the
types of $$ and $1 differ (but it is OK if neither $$ nor $1 is associated
with a specific type). When off is specified no action blocks are
added (issuing a warning unless the option/directive tag-mismatches
off has been specified).
- o
- --error-verbose
When a syntactic error is reported, the generated parse function dumps the
parser’s state stack to the standard output stream. The stack dump
shows on separate lines a stack index followed by the state stored at the
indicated stack element. The first stack element is the stack’s top
- o
- --filenames=filename (-f)
Filename is a generic file name that is used for all header files
generated by bisonc++. Options defining specific file names are
also available (which then, in turn, overrule the name specified by this
- o
- --flex
Bisonc++ generates code calling d_scanner.yylex() to obtain
the next lexical token, and calling d_scanner.YYText() for the
matched text, unless overruled by options or directives explicitly
defining these functions. By default, the interface defined by
flexc++(1) is used. This option is only interpreted if the
--scanner option or %scanner directive is also used.
- o
- --help (-h)
Write basic usage information to the standard output stream and
- o
- --implementation-header=filename (-i)
Filename defines the name of the file to contain the implementation
header. It defaults to the name of the generated parser class plus the
suffix .ih.
- The implementation header should contain all directives and declarations
only used by the implementations of the parser’s member
functions. It is the only header file that is included by the source file
containing parse’s implementation. User defined
implementation of other class members may use the same convention, thus
concentrating all directives and declarations that are required for the
compilation of other source files belonging to the parser class in one
header file.
- o
- --implementation-skeleton=pathname (-I)
Pathname defines the path name to the file containing the skeleton of
the implementation header. t defaults to the installation-defined default
path name (e.g., /usr/share/bisonc++/ plus
- o
- --insert-stype
This option is only effective if the debug option (or %debug
directive) has been specified. When insert-stype has been specified
the parsing function’s debug output also shows selected semantic
values. It should only be used if objects or variables of the semantic
value type STYPE_ can be inserted into ostreams.
- o
- --max-inclusion-depth=value
Set the maximum number of nested grammar files. Defaults to 10.
- o
- --namespace identifier
Define all of the code generated by bisonc++ in the namespace
identifier. By default no namespace is defined. If this options is
used the implementation header is provided with a commented out using
namespace declaration for the specified namespace. In addition, the
parser and parser base class header files also use the specified namespace
to define their include guard directives.
- It is an error if this option is used and an already existing parser-class
header file and/or implementation header file does not define namespace
- o
- --no-baseclass-header
Do not write the file containing the parser class’ base class, even
if that file doesn’t yet exist. By default the file containing the
parser’s base class is (re)written each time bisonc++ is
called. Note that this option should normally be avoided, as the base
class defines the symbolic terminal tokens that are returned by the
lexical scanner. When the construction of this file is suppressed,
modifications of these terminal tokens are not communicated to the lexical
- o
- --no-decoration (-D)
Do not include user-defined or default actions when generating the
parser’s parse member. This effectively generates a parser
which merely performs syntax checks, without performing the actions which
are normally executed when rules have been matched. This may be useful in
situations where a (partially or completely) decorated grammar is
reorganized, and the syntactic correctness of the modified grammar must be
verified, or in situations where the grammar has already been decorated,
but functions which are called from the rules’s actions have not
yet been impleemented.
- o
- --no-lines
Do not put #line preprocessor directives in the file containing the
parser’s parse function. By default the file containing the
parser’s parse function also contains #line
preprocessor directives. This option allows the compiler and debuggers to
associate errors with lines in your grammar specification file, rather
than with the source file containing the parse function
- o
- --no-parse-member
Do not write the file containing the parser’s predefined parser
member functions, even if that file doesn’t yet exist. By default
the file containing the parser’s parse member function is
(re)written each time bisonc++ is called. Note that this option
should normally be avoided, as this file contains parsing tables which are
altered whenever the grammar definition is modified.
- o
- --own-debug
Displays the actions performed by bisonc++’s parser when it
processes the grammar specification file(s) (lots of output!). This
implies the --verbose option.
- o
- --own-tokens (-T)
The tokens returned as well as the text matched by bisonc++’s
lexcial scanner are shown when this option is used.
- This option does not result in the generated parsing
function displaying returned tokens and matched text. If that is what you
want, use the --print-tokens option.
- o
- --parsefun-skeleton=pathname (-P)
Pathname defines the path name of the file containing the parsing
member function’s skeleton. It defaults to the installation-defined
default path name (e.g., /usr/share/bisonc++/ plus
- o
- --parsefun-source=filename (-p)
Filename defines the name of the source file to contain the parser
member function parse. Defaults to
- o
- --polymorphic-code-skeleton=pathname (-L)
Pathname defines the path name of the file containing the
non-template members of the polymorphic Base class. It defaults to the
installation-defined default path name (e.g., /usr/share/bisonc++/
plus bisonc++polymorphic.code).
- o
- --polymorphic-skeleton=pathame (-M)
Pathname defines the path name of the file containing the skeleton of
the polymorphic template classes. It defaults to the installation-defined
default path name (e.g., /usr/share/bisonc++/ plus
- o
- --print-tokens (-t)
The generated parsing function implements a function print_
displaying (on the standard output stream) the tokens returned by the
parser’s scanner as well as the corresponding matched text. This
implementation is suppressed when the parsing function is generated
without using this option. The member print_ is called from
Parser::print, which is defined in-line in the the parser’s
class header. Calling Parser::print_ can thus easily be controlled
from print, using, e.g., a variable that set by the program using
the parser generated by bisonc++.
- This option does not show the tokens returned and text matched by
bisonc++ itself when it is reading its input file(s). If that is
what you want, use the --own-tokens option.
- o
- --prompt
When adding debugging code (using the debug option or directive) the
debug information is displayed continuously while the parser processes its
input. When using the prompt option (or directive) the generated
parser displays a prompt (a question mark) at each step of the parsing
process. Caveat: when using this option the parser’s input cannot
be provided at the parser’s standard input stream.
- o
- --required-tokens=number
Following a syntactic error, require at least number successfully
processed tokens before another syntactic error can be reported. By
default number is zero.
- o
- --scanner=pathname (-s)
Pathname defines the path name to the file defining the
scanner’s class interface (e.g.,
"../scanner/scanner.h"). When this option is used the
parser’s member int lex() is predefined as
int Parser::lex()
return d_scanner.lex();
and an object Scanner d_scanner is composed into the parser (but see
also option scanner-class-name). The example shows the function
that’s called by default. When the --flex option (or
%flex directive) is specified the function d_scanner.yylex()
is called. Any other function to call can be specified using the
--scanner-token-function option (or %scanner-token-function
- By default bisonc++ surrounds pathname by double quotes
(using, e.g., #include "pathname"). When pathname
is surrounded by pointed brackets #include <pathname> is
- It is an error if this option is used and an already existing parser class
header file does not include `pathname’.
- o
- --scanner-class-name scannerClassName
Defines the name of the scanner class, declared by the pathname
header file that is specified at the scanner option or directive.
By default the class name Scanner is used.
- It is an error if this option is used and either the scanner option
was not provided, or the parser class interface in an already existing
parser class header file does not declare a scanner class d_scanner
- o
- --scanner-debug
Show de scanner’s matched rules and returned tokens. This extensively
displays the rules and tokens matched and returned by
bisonc++’s scanner, instead of just showing the tokens and
matched text which are received by bisonc++. If you want the
latter, use the option --own-tokens.
- o
- --scanner-matched-text-function=function-call
The scanner function returning the text that was matched at the last call of
the scanner’s token function. A complete function call expression
should be provided (including a scanner object, if used). This option
overrules the d_scanner.matched() call used by default when the
%scanner directive is specified, and it overrules the
d_scanner.YYText() call used when the %flex directive is
provided. Example:
--scanner-matched-text-function "myScanner.matchedText()"
- o
- --scanner-token-function=function-call
The scanner function returning the next token, called from the
parser’s lex function. A complete function call expression
should be provided (including a scanner object, if used). This option
overrules the d_scanner.lex() call used by default when the
%scanner directive is specified, and it overrules the
d_scanner.yylex() call used when the %flex directive is
provided. Example:
--scanner-token-function "myScanner.nextToken()"
- It is an error if this option is used and the scanner token function is
not called from the code in an already existing implementation
- o
- --show-filenames
Writes the names of the generated files to the standard error stream.
- o
- --skeleton-directory=directory (-S)
Specifies the directory containing the skeleton files. In addition to
specifying a common names for the skeleton files the locations of
individual skeleton files can be specified using the options (-B -C,
-H, -I, -L and -M).
- o
- --stack-expansion(size)
Defines the number of elements to be added to the generated parser’s
semantic value stack when it must be enlarged. By default 10 elements are
added to the stack. This option/directive is interpreted only once, and
only if size at least equals the default stack expansion size of
- o
- --tag-mismatches off|on
When on is specified (which is the default), a warning is issued if
no $$ assignment was detected in an action block, or if adding a default
$$ = ... action was suppressed (cf. the default-actions off option
or directive).
- o
- --target-directory=pathname
Pathname defines the directory where generated files should be
written. By default this is the directory where bisonc++ is
- o
- --thread-safe
Only used with polymorphic semantic values, and then only required when the
parser is used in multiple threads: it ensures that each thread’s
polymorphic code only accesses its own parser’s error counting
- o
- --token-class=classname (-K)
Classname defines the name of the Tokens class that is defined
when token-path (see below) is specified. If token-path
isn’t specified then this option is ignored. By default the class
name Tokens is used.
- o
- --token-namespace=namespace (-K)
If token-path is specified (see below) then namespace defines
the namespace of the Tokens class. By default no namespace is
- o
- --token-path=pathname (-F)
Pathname defines the path name of the file to contain the struct
Tokens defining the enumeration Tokens_ containing the symbolic
tokens of the generated grammar. If this option is specified the
ParserBase class is derived from it, thus making the tokens
available to the generated parser class. The name of the struct
Tokens can be altered using the token-class directive or
option. By default (if token_path is not specified) the tokens are
defined as the enum Tokens_ in the ParserBase class. If
pathname doesn’t exist it is created by bisonc++. If
the pathname file already exists it is rewritten at each new run of
- o
- --usage
Writes basic usage information to the standard output stream and
- o
- --verbose (-V)
Writes a file containing verbose descriptions of the parser states and what
is done for each type of look-ahead token in that state. This file also
describes all conflicts detected in the grammar, both those resolved by
operator precedence and those that remain unresolved. It is not created by
default, but if requested the information is written on
<grammar>.output, where <grammar> is the grammar
specification file passed to bisonc++.
- o
- --version (-v)
Displays bisonc++’s version number and terminates.
Bisonc++ may be used as follows:
- o
- First, define a grammar. The reader is referred to
bisonc++’s manual and other sources (like Aho, Sethi and
Ullman’s book) for details about how to define and decorate
- o
- No `macro style’ %define declarations are required. Instead,
the normal practice of defining class members in source files and
declaring them in class header files can be followed when using
bisonc++. Bisonc++ concentrates on its main tasks: defining
a parser class and implementing the parsing function int parse,
leaving all other parts of the parser class’ definition to the
- o
- Having defined a grammar and (usually) some directives bisonc++ is
run, generating the essential elements of a parser class. See the next
section for details about the files generated by bisonc++.
- o
- Next, members required in addition to the bisonc++-generated member
parse and its support functions must be implemented by the
programmer, and declared in the parser’s class header. At the very
least a member int lex must be defined (a default implementation
can be generated by bisonc++).
- o
- The generated parser can now be used in a program. A very simple example
would be:
int main()
Parser parser;
return parser.parse();
Bisonc++ may create the following files:
- o
- A file containing the implementation of the member function parse
and its support functions. The member parse is a public member that
can be called to parse a token-sequence according to a specified LALR1
type of grammar. By default the implementations of these members are
written on the file The programmer should not modify the
contents of this file; it is rewritten every time bisonc++ is
- o
- A file containing an initial setup of the parser class, containing the
declaration of the public member parse and of its (private) support
members. New members may safely be declared in the parser class, as it is
only created by bisonc++ if not yet existing, using the filename
<parser-class>.h (where <parser-class> is the
the name of the defined parser class).
- o
- A file containing the parser class’ base class. This base
class should not be modified by the programmer. It contains types defined
by bisonc++, as well as several (protected) data members and member
functions, which should not be redefined by the programmer. All symbolic
parser terminal tokens are defined in this class, thereby escalating these
definitions to a separate class (cf. Lakos, (2001)), which in turn
prevents circular dependencies between the lexical scanner and the parser
(here, circular dependencies may easily be encountered, as the parser
needs access to the lexical scanner class when defining the lexical
scanner as one of its data members, whereas the lexical scanner needs
access to the parser class to know about the grammar’s symbolic
terminal tokens; escalation is a way out of such circular dependencies).
By default this file is (re)written any time bisonc++ is called,
using the filename <parser-class>base.h.
- o
- A file containing an implementation header. The implementation
header rather than the parser’s class header file should be
included by the parser’s source files implementing member functions
declared by the programmer. The implementation header first includes the
parser class’s header file, and then provides default in-line
implementations for its members error and print (which may
be altered by the programmer). The member lex may also receive a
standard in-line implementation. Alternatively, its implementation can be
provided by the programmer (see below). Any directives and/or namespace
directives required for the proper compilation of the parser’s
additional member functions should be declared next. The implementation
header is included by the file defining parse. By default the
implementation header is created if not yet existing, receiving the
filename <parser-class>.ih.
- o
- A verbose description of the generated parser. This file is comparable to
the verbose output file originally generated by bison++. It is
generated when the option --verbose or -V is provided. If
so, bisonc++ writes the file <grammar>.output, where
<grammar> is the name of the file containing the grammar
- o
- bisonc++base.h: skeleton of the parser’s base class;
- o
- bisonc++.h: skeleton of the parser class;
- o
- bisonc++.ih: skeleton of the implementation header;
- o
- skeleton of the member parse;
- o
- bisonc++polymorphic: skeleton of the declarations used by
- o
- bisonc++polymorphic.code: skeleton of the non-inline
implementations of the members declared in
- o
- skeleton declaring members of the parser’s
base class that are only required when the debug option or
directive was specified.
- o
- skeleton defining the members declared in
- o
- skeleton implementing symbol_, which is
only needed when the print-tokens option or directive was
- o
- skeleton implementing errorVerbose_,
which is only needed when the error-verbose option or directive was
- o
- skeleton specifying the header files
#include directives that are required when the debug option
or directive was specified.
- o
- skeleton containing extra code required in the
Parser::lookup member when the debug option of directive was
- o
- skeleton implementing the Parser::lex function.
- o
- skeleton declaring the location variables
- o
- skeleton defining the default or user defined
- o
- skeleton implementing the actions of Parser::print
if the print-tokens option or directive was specified.
bison(1), bison++(1), bisonc++api(3),
bisonc++input(7), (using texinfo),
Lakos, J. (2001) Large Scale C++ Software Design, Addison
Aho, A.V., Sethi, R., Ullman, J.D. (1986) Compilers, Addison
Parser-class header files (e.g., Parser.h) and parser-class
internal header files (e.g., Parser.ih) generated with bisonc++ < 6.00.00
require several minor hand-modifications when re-generating the parser with
bisonc++ >= 6.00.00. See the earlier section FROM BISONC++ <
6.00.00 TO BISONC++ >= 6.00.00 for details.
To avoid collisions with names defined by the parser’s
(base) class, the following identifiers should not be used as token
- o
- Identifiers ending in an underscore;
- o
- Any of the following identifiers: ABORT, ACCEPT, ERROR, debug,
error, or setDebug.
Bisonc++ was based on bison++, originally developed
by Alain Coetmeur (, R&D department (RDT),
Informatique-CDC, France, who based his work on bison, GNU version
Bisonc++ version 0.98 and beyond is a complete rewrite of
an LALR-1 parser generator, closely following the construction process as
described in Aho, Sethi and Ullman’s (1986) book Compilers
(i.e., the Dragon book). It uses the same grammar specification as
bison and bison++, and it uses practically the same options
and directives as bisonc++ versions earlier than 0.98. Variables,
declarations and macros that are obsolete were removed.
Compared to bison and bison++, the number and
functions of the various %define declarations was thoroughly
modified. All of bison’s %define declarations were replaced by
their (former) first arguments. Furthermore, `macro-style’
declarations are not supported or required. Finally, all directives only use
lower-case characters and do not contain underscore characters (but
sometimes hyphens). E.g., %define DEBUG is now declared as
%debug; %define LSP_NEEDED is now declared as
%lsp-needed (note the hyphen).
Frank B. Brokken (