AWS-NUKE(1) User Commands AWS-NUKE(1)

aws-nuke - Delete a whole AWS account and all resources

A tool which removes every resource from an AWS account. Use it with caution, since it cannot distinguish between production and non-production.

aws-nuke [flags] aws-nuke [command]

Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
Help about any command
resource-types lists all available resource types version shows version of this application

AWS access key ID for accessing the AWS API. Must be used together with --secret-access-key. Cannot be used together with --profile.
AWS IAM role arn to assume. The credentials provided via --access-key-id or --profile must be allowed to assume this role.
(required) Path to the nuke config file.
Custom default region name.
Prevent nuking of certain resource types (eg IAMServerCertificate). This flag can be used multiple times.
Don't ask for confirmation before deleting resources. Instead it waits 15s before continuing. Set --force-sleep to change the wait time.
If specified and --force is set, wait this many seconds before deleting resources. Defaults to 15. (default 15)
help for aws-nuke
If specified, the program will exit if resources are stuck in waiting for this many iterations. 0 (default) disables early exit.
If specified, it actually deletes found resources. Otherwise it just lists all candidates.
Name of the AWS profile name for accessing the AWS API. Cannot be used together with --access-key-id and --secret-access-key.
Don't show filtered resources.
AWS secret access key for accessing the AWS API. Must be used together with --access-key-id. Cannot be used together with --profile.
AWS session token for accessing the AWS API. Must be used together with --access-key-id and --secret-access-key. Cannot be used together with --profile.
Limit nuking to certain resource types (eg IAMServerCertificate). This flag can be used multiple times.
Enables debug output.

Use "aws-nuke [command] --help" for more information about a command.

October 2024 aws-nuke 2.16.0