average_nucleotide_identity.py - average nucleotide identity

usage: average_nucleotide_identity.py [-h] [--version] -o OUTDIRNAME -i

[-l LOGFILE] [--skip_nucmer] [--skip_blastn] [--noclobber] [--nocompress] [-g] [--gformat GFORMAT] [--gmethod {mpl,seaborn}] [--labels LABELS] [--classes CLASSES] [-m {ANIm,ANIb,ANIblastall,TETRA}] [--scheduler {multiprocessing,SGE}] [--workers WORKERS] [--SGEgroupsize SGEGROUPSIZE] [--SGEargs SGEARGS] [--maxmatch] [--nucmer_exe NUCMER_EXE] [--filter_exe FILTER_EXE] [--blastn_exe BLASTN_EXE] [--makeblastdb_exe MAKEBLASTDB_EXE] [--blastall_exe BLASTALL_EXE] [--formatdb_exe FORMATDB_EXE] [--write_excel] [--rerender] [--subsample SUBSAMPLE] [--seed SEED] [--jobprefix JOBPREFIX]

show this help message and exit
show program's version number and exit
Output directory (required)
Input directory name (required)
Give verbose output
Force file overwriting
Sequence fragment size for ANIb (default 1020)
Logfile location
Skip NUCmer runs, for testing (e.g. if output already present)
Skip BLASTN runs, for testing (e.g. if output already present)
Don't nuke existing files
Don't compress/delete the comparison output
Generate heatmap of ANI
Graphics output format(s) [pdf|png|jpg|svg] (default pdf,png,eps meaning three file formats)
Graphics output method (default mpl)
Path to file containing sequence labels
Path to file containing sequence classes
ANI method (default ANIm)
Job scheduler (default multiprocessing, i.e. locally)
Number of worker processes for multiprocessing (default zero, meaning use all available cores)
Number of jobs to place in an SGE array group (default 10000)
Additional arguments for qsub
Override MUMmer to allow all NUCmer matches
Path to NUCmer executable
Path to delta-filter executable
Path to BLASTN+ executable
Path to BLAST+ makeblastdb executable
Path to BLASTALL executable
Path to BLAST formatdb executable
Write Excel format output tables
Rerender graphics output without recalculation
Subsample a percentage [0-1] or specific number (1-n) of input sequences
Set random seed for reproducible subsampling.
Prefix for SGE jobs (default ANI).

This manpage was written by Nilesh Patra for the Debian distribution and
can be used for any other usage of the program.

July 2021 average_nucleotide_identity.py 0.2.11