WinList(1x) AfterStep X11 window manager WinList(1x)

WinList - AfterStep module displaying list of opened windows

Defines what function should be executed on the window when specific mouse button is clicked over window's button.

Sets align of the text label in WinList buttons.

See Also: Alignment flags for further details.

FIXME: add proper description here.

Defines the bevel to be drawn around balloons - replaces the BorderWidth setting.

See Also: Bevel flags for further details.

Determines the delay in ms between when balloon is shown and before it disapears.

Specifies the period in milliseconds to delay the appearance of the balloon.

MyStyle to be used to draw balloon. Note that balloons could be shaped (BackPixmap 125 and 126).

width of the border around the text in balloons.

height of the border around the text in balloons.

Specifies the horizontal offset (in pixels) to use when displaying balloons.

Specifies the vertical offset (in pixels) to use when displaying balloons.

Turns on the balloon feature. A "balloon" is displayed showing the name of the button the pointer is resting on in the WinList. The balloon background and text are configured with the MyStyle "*WinListBalloon"

Defines 3D bevel of WinList buttons.

See Also: Bevel flags for further details.

Sets composition method to be used to draw WinList buttons. Default is alpha-blending. Valid values are in range 130-145.

Defines 3D bevel of WinList buttons for windows that are in focused state.

See Also: Bevel flags for further details.

CompositionMethod for WinList buttons representing focused windows.

Flag, indicating that WinList should should add new row when new button is added, and only if MaxRows or max height is reached - add new column. By Default WinLIst adds columns first.

Style used when defining the Bevel appearance for the active window.

See Also: Bevel flags for further details.

MyStyle to be used for rendering of window buttons for windows thar are in focused state.

Specifies the location of the WinList window. Note that only position can be specified - size is defined by other parameters and number of buttons.

FIXME: add proper description here.

Alignment of the icon

See Also: Look Alignment flags for further details.

Determines where icon is placed in relation to text label. Numbers from 1 to 9. On keypad 5 represent the text label, so other numbers represent location of the icon to be the same as location of the key in relation to 5. Say location 6 is to the right of the text label.

Setxs the size icon should be scaled to.

Maximum width of the column. Older *WinListMaxWidth is still supported for compatibility, but depreciated.

Maximum number of columns in WinList.

Maximum number of rows in WinList.

Maximum size of the WinList. WinList will not grow larger then this size, when number of buttons increase, but instead it will shrink buttons to fit in allowed space. You can set only Width, only Height or both. extra rows/columns could be added when max size is reached in one direction.

This is depreciated and just there for compatibility. Please use MaxSize/MinSize instead.

Minimum width of the column

Minimum width of the column

Minimum size of the WinList. WinList will not shrink smaller then this size, when number of buttons is small, but instead it will enlarge buttons to fill extra space. You can set only Width, only Height or both.

Styles for different WinList properties are called from the file "winlist", and the associated MyStyle definitions are located in a selected Look file. Fonts, foreground and background colors, gradients, pixmaps, and text styles can be specified for WinList's components.

See Also: MyStyle definition for further details.

Do not show Balloons in WinList.

FIXME: add proper description here.

FIXME: add proper description here.

Defines 3D bevel of WinList buttons for windows that are in sticky state.

See Also: Bevel flags for further details.

CompositionMethod for WinList buttons representing sticky windows.

If set will cause icon to be scaled to the height of the text label.

When Shaped extensions are available - it will cause WinList to have non-rectangular shape to wrap around columns/rows of buttons.

FIXME: add proper description here.

See Also: Balloon Contents flags for further details.

Will make WinList show an icon next to the window name.

Based-on the WinList font height, this function adds the specified number of pixels above and below the displayed text. Note that this function will also increase the size of the icon images in WinList.

Style used when defining the Bevel appearance for Sticky windows (those windows tagged as Sticky that appear on all views and desktops).

See Also: Bevel flags for further details.

MyStyle to be used for rendering of window buttons for windows thar are in sticky state.

Defines 3D bevel of WinList buttons for windows that are in unfocused state.

See Also: Bevel flags for further details.

CompositionMethod for WinList buttons representing unfocused windows.

Style used when defining the Bevel appearance inactive active windows.

See Also: Bevel flags for further details.

MyStyle to be used for rendering of window buttons for windows thar are in focused state.

FIXME: add proper description here.

Tells WinList what type of name to use for displaying in WinList label.

# 0 - Name, 1 - icon, 2 - res_name, 3 - res_class, 5 - display only icon but no text in winlist

Obey SkipWinList flags set by applications or database config.

FIXME: add proper description here.

The WinList module provides a window list made up of buttons, each corresponding to a window that AfterStep is managing. Clicking on the buttons with any of the three mouse buttons will either do a default action or can be user configured by editing the winlist file.

AfterStep v.2.2.12 3rd Berkeley Distribution