SWEED(1) User Commands SWEED(1)

SweeD - Assess SNPs for their contribution to genetic drift

SweeD version 3.1 released by Nikolaos Alachiotis and Pavlos Pavlidis in January 2013.
SweeD | SweeD-P | SweeD-C | SweeD-P-C

-name runName

-input inputFile

-grid gridNumber

[-folded] [-monomorphic] [-strictPolymorphic] [-isfs inputSFS] [-osfs outputSFS] [-osf outputSF] [-threads threadNumber] [-checkpoint checkpointInterval] [-eN timeT sizeX] [-G rateG] [-s sequences] [-h|-help] [-v|version]
Specifies a name for the run and the output files.
Specifies the name of the input alignment file. Supported file formats: SF (Sweep Finder) format.
Specifies the number of positions in the alignment where the CLR will be computed.
Considers the SFS folded (the ancestral and derived states can not be distinguished).
Includes the monomorphic sites in the analysis. The default action is to discard them.
Does not include *potential monomorphic* sites in the analysis. These are sites where for some sequences the state is missing and the remaining are monomorphic.
Specifies the name of the input SFS file.
Specifies the name of the output SFS file.
Specifies the name of the output SF file.
Specifies the number of threads.
Specifies the checkpoint interval in seconds (default: 3600).
Sets population size to sizeX*N0 at time timeT, where N0 is the present-day population size.
Sets the growth rate of the population size at time 0. The growth rate continues to be exponential until the -eN command specifies a constant population size.
Specifies the number of sequences when no input file is provided.
Displays this help message.
July 2018 SweeD