PDRblockMesh - part of OpenFOAM (The Open Source CFD Toolbox).

PDRblockMesh [OPTIONS]

A block mesh generator for a rectilinear mesh in x-y-z.
  The ordering of vertex and face labels within a block as shown below.
  For the local vertex numbering in the sequence 0 to 7:
    Faces 0, 1  ==  x-min, x-max.
    Faces 2, 3  ==  y-min, y-max.
    Faces 4, 5  ==  z-min, z-max.
                        7 ---- 6
                 f5     |\     |\     f3
                 |      | 4 ---- 5     \
                 |      3 |--- 2 |      \
                 |       \|     \|      f2
                 f4       0 ---- 1
    Y  Z
     \ |                f0 ------ f1
       O--- X

Specify case directory to use (instead of the cwd)
Alternative dictionary for the PDRblockMesh description
Do not remove any existing polyMesh/ directory or files
Specify a time to write mesh to (default: constant)
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Specify the value of a registered debug switch. Default is 1 if the value is omitted. (Can be used multiple times)
Override the file handler type
Specify the value of a registered info switch. Default is 1 if the value is omitted. (Can be used multiple times)
Additional library or library list to load (can be used multiple times)
Specify the value of a registered optimisation switch (int/bool). Default is 1 if the value is omitted. (Can be used multiple times)
Display source code in browser
Display compatibility options and exit
Display full help (manpage format) and exit
Display help notes (description) and exit

This option is ignored

Online documentation https://www.openfoam.com/documentation/

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