NANOSV(1) User Commands NANOSV(1)

NanoSV - structural variant caller for the Nanopore

usage: NanoSV [-h] [-t THREADS] [-s SAMBAMBA] [-c CONFIG] [-b BED] [-o OUTPUT]

[-f SNP_FILE] [-v] bam

Put here a description.


show this help message and exit
Number of threads [default: 4]
Give the full path to the sambamba or samtools executable [default: sambamba ]
Give the full path to your own ini file [ default: config.ini ]
Give the full path to your own bed file, used for coverage depth calculations [default: human_hg19.bed ]
Give the full path to the output vcf file [default: <stdout> ]
Give full path to the SNP variant file for phasing. Supporting file formats: BED and VCF
show program's version number and exit

The full documentation for NanoSV is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and NanoSV programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info NanoSV

should give you access to the complete manual.

October 2021 NanoSV 1.2.4