calibredb - calibredb
calibredb agindua [aukera] [argumentuak]
calibredb calibre datu-baserako komando-lerroko interfazea
da. Hainbat hainbat azpi-komando dauka, behean dokumentatuta.
calibredb kalibreko datu-base bat manipulatzeko erabil
daiteke bide edo Calibrek zehaztutako Eduki zerbitzaria exekutatzen ari den
tokiko makina edo internet bidez. Calibre has dezakezu Eduki zerbitzaria
calibre-server erabiliz programan edo kalibre nagusiko programan egin
klik Konektatu/partekatu → Hasi Eduki zerbitzaria.
calibredb-ek zurean aldaketak egin ditzakeenez Calibre liburutegiak,
zerbitzarian autentifikazioa konfiguratu behar duzu lehenik. Han Horretarako
bi modu daude:
- •
- Ordenagailu berean exekutatzen ari den zerbitzari batera soilik
konektatzeko asmoa baduzu,
besterik gabe erabil dezakezu --enable-local-write aukera
Eduki zerbitzaria, edozein programa martxan jartzeko, calibredb barne tokiko
ordenagailua zure kalibreko datuetan aldaketak egiteko. Korrika egitean
Calibre programa nagusiko zerbitzaria, aukera hau barne dago
Hobespenak → Sarean
partekatzea → Aurreratua.
- •
- Internet bidez sarbidea gaitu nahi baduzu, konfiguratu beharko zenuke
erabiltzaile-kontuak zerbitzarian eta erabili --username
eta --password aukerak calibredb sarbidea emateko. Konfiguratu
dezakezu erabiltzailearen autentifikazioa calibre-server
--enable-auth erabiliz aukera eta --manage-users erabiliz
erabiltzaile-kontuak sortzeko. Zerbitzaria calibre programa nagusitik
exekutatzen ari bazara, erabili Hobespenak → Sarean
partekatzea → Erabiltzaile izena/pasahitza eskatu.
Abian dagoen Eduki zerbitzari batera konektatzeko, pasa
zerbitzariaren URLa --with-library aukera, ikusi aukera horren
dokumentazioa xehetasunak eta adibideak.
- remove
- add_format
- remove_format
- show_metadata
- set_metadata
- export
- catalog
- saved_searches
- add_custom_column
- custom_columns
- remove_custom_column
- set_custom
- restore_database
- check_library
- list_categories
- backup_metadata
- clone
- embed_metadata
- search
- fts_index
- fts_search
- --library-path,
- Path to the calibre library. Default is to use the path stored in the
settings. You can also connect to a calibre Content server to perform
actions on remote libraries. To do so use a URL of the form:
http://hostname:port/#library_id for example,
http://localhost:8080/#mylibrary. library_id is the library id of
the library you want to connect to on the Content server. You can use the
special library_id value of - to get a list of library ids available on
the server. For details on how to setup access via a Content server, see
- --password
- Password for connecting to a calibre Content server. To read the password
from standard input, use the special value: <stdin>. To read the
password from a file, use: <f:/path/to/file> (i.e. <f: followed
by the full path to the file and a trailing >). The angle brackets in
the above are required, remember to escape them or use quotes for your
- --timeout
- Denbora-muga, segundotan, kalibreko liburutegi batera sarean konektatzean.
Lehenetsia bi minutukoa da.
- --username
- Calibre Eduki zerbitzariarekin konektatzeko erabiltzaile izena
- --version
- Erakutsi programaren bertsioa zein den eta irten
calibre datu basean eskuragarri dauden liburuen zerrenda.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --fields,
- The fields to display when listing books in the database. Should be a
comma separated list of fields. Available fields: author_sort, authors,
comments, cover, formats, identifiers, isbn, languages, last_modified,
pubdate, publisher, rating, series, series_index, size, tags, template,
timestamp, title, uuid Default: title,authors. The special field
"all" can be used to select all fields. In
addition to the builtin fields above, custom fields are also available as
*field_name, for example, for a custom field #rating, use the name:
- --for-machine
- Sortu irteera JSON formatuan, makinen analisirako egokiagoa dena. Lerro
zabalera eta bereizgailuaren aukerak baztertzea eragiten du.
- --limit
- Erakusteko gehienezko emaitza kopurua. Lehenetsita: denak
- --line-width,
- Lerro sinple baten zabalera maximoa. Lehenetsitako balioa: pantailaren
tamaina detektatzea.
- --prefix
- Fitxategi bide guztietarako aurrizkia. Lehenetsia: liburutegiko
karpetarako bide hutsa.
- --search,
- Bilaketa galderaren arabera iragazten ditu emaitzak. Galdetzen denaren
formaturako, mesedez begiratu bilaketari buruzko dokumentazioa
Erabiltzailearen eskuliburua. Lehenetsita: ez egin inolako
- --separator
- Eremuak bereizteko erabiltzen den testua. Lehenetsia: espazio bat.
- --sort-by
- The field by which to sort the results. You can specify multiple fields by
separating them with commas. Available fields: author_sort, authors,
comments, cover, formats, identifiers, isbn, languages, last_modified,
pubdate, publisher, rating, series, series_index, size, tags, template,
timestamp, title, uuid Default: id
- --template
- The template to run if "template" is in the field
list. Default: None
- --template_file,
- Path to a file containing the template to run if
"template" is in the field list. Default:
- --template_heading
- Heading for the template column. Default: template. This option is ignored
if the option --for-machine is set
%p rog gehitu [aukerak] fitxategia1 fitxategia2 fitxategia3 ...
Gehitu zehaztutako fitxategiak liburu gisa datu-basera. Karpetak
ere zehaztu ditzakezu, ikus karpetarekin lotutako aukerak behean.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --automerge,
- Antzeko izenburuak eta egileak dituzten liburuak aurkitzen badira, batu
automatikoki sarrerako formatuak (fitxategiak) dauden liburuen
erregistroetan. "Ez ikusi egin" balioarekin
bikoiztutako formatuak baztertu egiten dira.
"Gainidatzi" balioarekin liburutegian bikoiztu
diren formatuak gehitu berri diren fitxategiekin gainidatzi egiten dira.
"Erregistro_berria" balioak bikoiztutako formatuak
liburu erregistro berri batean jartzen direla esan nahi du.
- --cover,
- Liburu-azaleko lasterbidea gehitutako liburuan erabiltzeko
- --duplicates,
- Gehitu liburuak datu-basera, lehendik badaude ere. Konparazioa liburuen
izenburuetan eta egileetan oinarrituta egiten da. Kontuan izan
--automerge aukerak lehentasuna duela.
- --empty,
- Gehitu liburu huts bat (formaturik gabeko liburu bat)
- --identifier,
- Ezarri liburu honen identifikatzaileak, adibidez. -I asin:XXX -I
- --languages,
- Komaz banandutako hizkuntzen zerrenda (onena ISO639 hizkuntza-kodeak
erabiltzea, nahiz eta hizkuntza-izen batzuk ere ezagutzen ditu)
- --tags, -T
- Ezarri gehitutako liburu(ar)en etiketak
Karpetetatik liburuak gehitzea kontrolatzeko aukerak. Modu
lehenetsian liburu elektronikoen fitxategi mota ezagunen luzapenak dituzten
fitxategiak soilik gehitzen dira.
- --add
- Fitxategi-izenaren (glob) eredua, eredu honekin bat datozen fitxategiak
gehituko dira karpeten fitxategiak bilatzean, nahiz eta liburu
elektronikoko fitxategi mota ezaguna ez izan. Hainbat aldiz zehaztu
daiteke eredu anitzeko.
- --ignore
- Fitxategi-izenaren (glob) eredua, eredu honekin bat datozen fitxategiak ez
dira aintzat hartuko karpeten fitxategiak bilatzeko. Hainbat aldiz zehaztu
daiteke eredu anitzeko. Adibidez: *.pdf-k PDF fitxategi guztiak baztertuko
- --one-book-per-directory,
- Demagun karpeta bakoitzak liburu digital bakarra duela eta bertan dauden
fitxategi guztiak liburu horren liburu elektroniko formatu desberdinak
Remove the books identified by ids from the database. ids should
be a comma separated list of id numbers (you can get id numbers by using the
search command). For example, 23,34,57-85 (when specifying a range, the last
number in the range is not included).
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
calibredb add_format [options] id ebook_file
Add the e-book in ebook_file to the available formats for the
logical book identified by id. You can get id by using the search command.
If the format already exists, it is replaced, unless the do not replace
option is specified.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
calibredb remove_format [options] id fmt
Remove the format fmt from the logical book identified by id. You
can get id by using the search command. fmt should be a file extension like
LRF or TXT or EPUB. If the logical book does not have fmt available, do
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
calibredb show_metadata [options] id
Show the metadata stored in the calibre database for the book
identified by id. id is an id number from the search command.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --as-opf
- Inprima itzazu metadatuak OPF formatuarekin (XML)
calibredb set_metadata [options] book_id [/path/to/metadata.opf]
Set the metadata stored in the calibre database for the book
identified by book_id from the OPF file metadata.opf. book_id is a book id
number from the search command. You can get a quick feel for the OPF format
by using the --as-opf switch to the show_metadata command. You can also set
the metadata of individual fields with the --field option. If you use the
--field option, there is no need to specify an OPF file.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --field,
- Ezarri beharreko eremua. Formatua honako hau da: eremuaren_izena:balioa,
adibidez: --field etiketak:etiketa1,etiketa2. --list-fields
erabili eremu izen guztien zerrenda lortzeko. Eremu bat baino gehiago
ezartzeko aukera hau behin baino gehiagotan zehaztu. Oharra: hizkuntzak
erabiltzeko ISO639 arauan zehazten diren hizkuntza-kodeak erabili beharko
dituzu (adibidez, 'eu' euskararako, 'es'
gaztelerarako, 'en' ingeleserako...). For identifiers, the
syntax is --field identifiers:isbn:XXXX,doi:YYYYY. For boolean
(yes/no) fields use true and false or yes and no.
- --list-fields,
- --field aukerarekin batera erabil daitezkeen metadatuen eremuen
izenen zerrenda
calibredb export [options] ids
Export the books specified by ids (a comma separated list) to the
filesystem. The export operation saves all formats of the book, its
cover and metadata (in an OPF file). Any extra data files associated with
the book are also saved. You can get id numbers from the search command.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --all
- Esportatu data-baseko liburu guztiak, ID zerrendari ez ikusiarena
- --dont-asciiize
- Have calibre convert all non English characters into English equivalents
for the file names. This is useful if saving to a legacy filesystem
without full support for Unicode filenames. Aldaketa hau zehaztuz jokabide
hau bertan behera geratuko da.
- --dont-save-cover
- Normalean, Calibrek liburu-azalak bereiziriko fitxategi batean gordeko
ditu, oraingo liburu elektronikoen fitxategiekin batera. Aldaketa hau
zehaztuz jokabide hau bertan behera geratuko da.
- --dont-save-extra-files
- Save any data files associated with the book when saving the book Aldaketa
hau zehaztuz jokabide hau bertan behera geratuko da.
- --dont-update-metadata
- Normalean, calibrek metadatuak eguneratuko ditu gordetako fitxategietan,
calibreren liburutegian dauden edukiei esker. Eguneratze honek diskoan
gordetze prozesua moteltzen du. Aldaketa hau zehaztuz jokabide hau bertan
behera geratuko da.
- --dont-write-opf
- Normalean, calibrek metadatuak bereiziriko OPF fitxategi batean idatziko
ditu, oraingo liburu elektronikoen fitxategiekin batera. Aldaketa hau
zehaztuz jokabide hau bertan behera geratuko da.
- --formats
- Liburu bakoitzaren komen bidez bereizitako formatuen zerrenda gordetzeko.
Lehenetsita: eskuragarri dauden formatu guztiak gordeko dira.
- --template
- The template to control the filename and folder structure of the saved
files. Default is "{author_sort}/{title}/{title} -
{authors}" which will save books into a per-author subfolder
with filenames containing title and author. Available controls are:
{author_sort, authors, id, isbn, languages, last_modified, pubdate,
publisher, rating, series, series_index, tags, timestamp, title}
- --timefmt
- Datak erakusteko formatua. %Y - urtea, %b - hilabetea, %m - hilabeteko
eguna, %d - eguna. Lehenetsita: %b, %Y
- --to-dir
- Esportatu liburuak zehaztu den karpetara. Lehenetsita hauxe .
calibredb catalog /path/to/destination.(csv|epub|mobi|xml...) [options]
Export a catalog in format specified by path/to/destination
extension. Options control how entries are displayed in the generated
catalog output. Note that different catalog formats support
different sets of options. To see the different options, specify the name of
the output file and then the --help option.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --ids, -i
- Komen bidez bereiziriko IDen datu base zerrenda katalogatzeko. Adierazten
bada, --search hori baztertu egingo da. Lehenetsita: dena
- --search,
- Bilaketa galderaren arabera iragazten ditu emaitzak. Bilaketa galderaren
formatua hautatzeko, mesedez, ikus bilaketari buruzko dokumentazioa
Erabiltzailearen eskuliburuan. Lehenetsita: irazkirik ez
- --verbose,
- Erakutsi output informazioa, irteera informazioa, ondo zehaztuta.
Akatsgabetzeko erabilgarria
- --catalog-title
- Title of generated catalog used as title in metadata. Default: 'My
Books' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --cross-reference-authors
- Create cross-references in Authors section for books with multiple
authors. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI
output formats
- --debug-pipeline
- Save the output from different stages of the conversion pipeline to the
specified folder. Useful if you are unsure at which stage of the
conversion process a bug is occurring. Default: 'None'
Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --exclude-genre
- Regex describing tags to exclude as genres. Default:
'[.+]|^+$' excludes bracketed tags, e.g. '[Project
Gutenberg]', and '+', the default tag for read books.
Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --exclusion-rules
- Specifies the rules used to exclude books from the generated catalog. The
model for an exclusion rule is either ('<rule
name>','Tags','<comma-separated list of
tags>') or ('<rule name>','<custom
column>','<pattern>'). For example:
books','#status','Archived'),) will
exclude a book with a value of 'Archived' in the custom
column 'status'. When multiple rules are defined, all rules
will be applied. Default:
Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --generate-authors
- Include 'Authors' section in catalog. Default:
'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --generate-descriptions
- Include 'Descriptions' section in catalog. Default:
'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --generate-genres
- Include 'Genres' section in catalog. Default:
'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --generate-recently-added
- Include 'Recently Added' section in catalog. Default:
'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --generate-series
- Include 'Series' section in catalog. Default:
'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --generate-titles
- Include 'Titles' section in catalog. Default:
'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --genre-source-field
- Source field for 'Genres' section. Default:
'Etiketak' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- Custom field containing note text to insert in Description header.
Default: '' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --merge-comments-rule
- #<custom field>:[before|after]:[True|False] specifying: <custom
field> Custom field containing notes to merge with comments
[before|after] Placement of notes with respect to comments [True|False] -
A horizontal rule is inserted between notes and comments Default:
'::' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --output-profile
- Specifies the output profile. In some cases, an output profile is required
to optimize the catalog for the device. For example,
'kindle' or 'kindle_dx' creates a structured
Table of Contents with Sections and Articles. Default:
'None' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --prefix-rules
- Specifies the rules used to include prefixes indicating read books,
wishlist items and other user-specified prefixes. The model for a prefix
rule is ('<rule name>','<source
When multiple rules are defined, the first matching rule will be used.
Default: "(('Read
Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --preset
- Use a named preset created with the GUI catalog builder. A preset
specifies all settings for building a catalog. Default:
'None' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
- --thumb-width
- Size hint (in inches) for book covers in catalog. Range: 1.0 - 2.0
Default: '1.0' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output
- --use-existing-cover
- Replace existing cover when generating the catalog. Default:
'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats
calibredb saved_searches [options] (list|add|remove)
Manage the saved searches stored in this database. If you try to
add a query with a name that already exists, it will be replaced.
Syntax for adding:
calibredb saved_searches add search_name
Syntax for removing:
calibredb saved_searches remove search_name
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
calibredb add_custom_column [aukerak] etiketa izena data-mota
Sortu pertsonalizaturiko zutabe bat. "Etiketa"
zutabearen goitizena da. Ez luke espaziorik edo bi puntuko ikurrik eduki
behar. "Izena" zutabearen goitizena da. datu-mota hauetako bat da:
bool, comments, composite, datetime, enumeration, float, int, rating,
series, text
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --display
- Zutabe honetako datuen interpretazioa pertsonalizatzeko aukerak azaltzen
dituen hiztegia. JSON kate bat da. Zerrenda motako zutabeentzat
--display"{\ "enum_values\ ":[\
"val1\ ", \ "val2\ "]}
erabili. 'Display' aldagaian hainbat aukera joan daitezke.
Zutabe motaren araberako aukerak hauek dira: composite:
composite_template, composite_sort, make_category,contains_html,
use_decorations datetime: date_format enumeration: enum_values,
enum_colors, use_decorations int, float: number_format text: is_names,
use_decorations Konbinazio jatorrak lortzeko aukerarik hoberena, zutabe
pertsonalizatua Erabiltzailearen Interfaze Grafikoa (GUI) erabiliz sortzea
eta ostean liburuen OPF babeskopia begiratzea (zutabea gehitu eta gero OPF
fitxategi berria sortu dela ziurtatu lehenago). Bertan agertuko zaizu
zutabe berriaren 'display'erako erabili beharreko
- --is-multiple
- Zutabe honek datu itxurako etiketak gordetzen ditu (adibidez koma
anitzekin bereiziriko balioak). Aplikatuko da datu-tipoa testua baldin
bada, besterik ez.
calibredb custom_columns [options]
List available custom columns. Shows column labels and ids.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
calibredb remove_custom_column [options] label
Remove the custom column identified by label. You can see
available columns with the custom_columns command.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
calibredb set_custom [options] column id value
Set the value of a custom column for the book identified by id.
You can get a list of ids using the search command. You can get a list of
custom column names using the custom_columns command.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --append,
- Zutabeak balio anitz gordetzen baditu, erantsi zehaztutako balioak
lehenagotik zeuden balioetara, ordeztu beharrean.
calibredb restore_database [options]
Restore this database from the metadata stored in OPF files in
each folder of the calibre library. This is useful if your metadata.db file
has been corrupted.
WARNING: This command completely regenerates your database. You
will lose all saved searches, user categories, plugboards, stored per-book
conversion settings, and custom recipes. Restored metadata will only be as
accurate as what is found in the OPF files.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --really-do-it,
- Berreskuratzea egin, bai. Agindua ez da martxan hasiko aukera hau zehaztu
calibredb aztertu_liburutegia [options]
Egin itzazu liburutegia osatzen duen fitxategi sisteman azterketa
eta egiaztapen batzuk . Txostenak hauek dira: invalid_titles, extra_titles,
invalid_authors, extra_authors, missing_formats, extra_formats, extra_files,
missing_covers, extra_covers, failed_folders
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --csv, -c
- Helburua CSV (Comma Separated Values) horretan
- --ignore_names,
- Komaz bereizitako izenen zerrenda kasurik ez egiteko. Lehenetsita:
- --report,
- Txostenak komaz bereizitako zerrenda. Lehenetsita: dena
- --vacuum-fts-db
- Hustu testu osoko bilaketa datu-basea. Hau oso motela eta memoria
intentsiboa izan daiteke, datu-basearen tamainaren arabera.
calibredb list_categories [options]
Produce a report of the category information in the database. The
information is the equivalent of what is shown in the Tag browser.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --categories,
- Komaz bereizitako kategorien bilaketen izenen zerrenda. Lehenetsia:
- --csv, -c
- Helburua CSV (Comma Separated Values) horretan
- --dialect
- Sortuko den CSV fitxategi mota. Aukerak: excel, excel-tab, unix
- --item_count,
- Erakutsi bakarrik zenbat gai dagoen kategoria bakoitzeko eta ez zenbat
aldiz zenbatu den gai bakoitzeko kategoria bakoitzean
- --width,
- Lerro sinple baten zabalera maximoa. Lehenetsitako balioa: pantailaren
tamaina detektatzea.
calibredb backup_metadata [options]
Backup the metadata stored in the database into individual OPF
files in each books folder. This normally happens automatically, but you can
run this command to force re-generation of the OPF files, with the --all
Note that there is normally no need to do this, as the OPF files
are backed up automatically, every time metadata is changed.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --all
- Normalean, komando honek OPF fitxategi zaharkituak duten liburuetan baino
ez du eraginik. Aukera honekin liburu guztietan eragitea ahalbidetzen
calibredb clone path/to/new/library
Create a clone of the current library. This creates a new,
empty library that has all the same custom columns, Virtual libraries and
other settings as the current library.
The cloned library will contain no books. If you want to create a
full duplicate, including all books, then simply use your filesystem tools
to copy the library folder.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
calibredb embed_metadata [options] book_id
Update the metadata in the actual book files stored in the calibre
library from the metadata in the calibre database. Normally, metadata is
updated only when exporting files from calibre, this command is useful if
you want the files to be updated in place. Note that different file formats
support different amounts of metadata. You can use the special value 'all'
for book_id to update metadata in all books. You can also specify many book
ids separated by spaces and id ranges separated by hyphens. For example:
calibredb embed_metadata 1 2 10-15 23
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --only-formats,
- Eguneratu metadatuak zehaztutako formatuko fitxategietan soilik. Zehaztu
hainbat aldiz formatu anitzeko. Lehenespenez, formatu guztiak eguneratzen
calibredb search [options] search expression
Search the library for the specified search term, returning
a comma separated list of book ids matching the search expression.
The output format is useful to feed into other commands that accept a list
of ids as input.
The search expression can be anything from calibre's
powerful search query language, for example: calibredb search
author:asimov 'title:"i robot"'
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --limit,
- The maximum number of results to return. Default is all results.
calibredb fts_index [options] enable/disable/status/reindex
Control the Full text search indexing process.
- enable
- Turns on FTS indexing for this library
- disable
- Turns off FTS indexing for this library
- status
- Shows the current indexing status
- reindex
- Can be used to re-index either particular books or the entire library. To
re-index particular books specify the book ids as additional arguments
after the reindex command. If no book ids are specified the entire library
is re-indexed.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --indexing-speed
- Indexatzeko abiadura. Erabili abiadura bizkorra zure ordenagailuko
baliabide guztiak erabiliz indexatzeko azkar eta abiadura motela baliabide
gutxiago erabiltzeko. Kontuan izan abiadura motela berrezartzen dela
saiakera bakoitzaren ondoren.
- --wait-for-completion
- Itxaron liburu guztiak indexatu arte, indexatzeko aurrerapena
aldian-aldian erakutsiz
calibredb fts_search [options] search expression
Do a full text search on the entire library or a subset of it.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them,
enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with
- --include-snippets
- Sartu partida bakoitzaren inguruko testu zatiak. Kontuan izan horrek
bilaketa motelago egiten duela.
- --indexing-threshold
- How much of the library must be indexed before searching is allowed, as a
percentage. Defaults to 90
- --output-format
- The format to output the search results in. Either
"text" for plain text or
"json" for JSON output.
- --restrict-to
- Restrict the searched books, either using a search expression or ids. For
example: ids:1,2,3 to restrict by ids or search:tag:foo to restrict to
books having the tag foo.