fetch-ebook-metadata - fetch-ebook-metadata

fetch-ebook-metadata [options]

Fetch book metadata from online sources. You must specify at least one of title, authors or ISBN.

Whenever you pass arguments to fetch-ebook-metadata that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Specify the name of a metadata download plugin to use. By default, all metadata plugins will be used. Can be specified multiple times for multiple plugins. All plugin names: Google, Google Images, Amazon.com, Edelweiss, Open Library, Big Book Search


Angiv et filnavn. Omslaget, hvis tilgængeligt, vil blive gemt i filen. Uden denne indstilling, vil ingen omslag blive hentet.

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Identifiers such as ASIN/Goodreads id etc. Can be specified multiple times for multiple identifiers. For example: --identifier asin:B0082BAJA0


Gem metadata i OPF-formatet i stedet for i et læsbart tekstformat.

Tidsudløb i sekunder. Standard er 30


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Kovid Goyal

Kovid Goyal

marts 01, 2024 7.6.0