ebook-convert - ebook-convert
ebook-convert input_file output_file [options]
Convert an e-book from one format to another.
input_file is the input and output_file is the output. Both must
be specified as the first two arguments to the command.
The output e-book format is guessed from the file extension of
output_file. output_file can also be of the special format .EXT where EXT is
the output file extension. In this case, the name of the output file is
derived from the name of the input file. Note that the filenames must not
start with a hyphen. Finally, if output_file has no extension, then it is
treated as a folder and an "open e-book" (OEB) consisting of HTML
files is written to that folder. These files are the files that would
normally have been passed to the output plugin.
After specifying the input and output file you can customize the
conversion by specifying various options. The available options depend on
the input and output file types. To get help on them specify the input and
output file and then use the -h option.
For full documentation of the conversion system see E-book
Whenever you pass arguments to ebook-convert that have
spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example:
"/some path/with spaces"
The options and default values for the options change depending on
both the input and output formats, so you should always check with:
ebook-convert myfile.input_format myfile.output_format -h
Below are the options that are common to all conversion, followed
by the options specific to every input and output format.
- Udseende og opførelse
- --input-profile
- Vælg input-profil. Input-profilen vejleder systemet i hvorledes
forskellig information i input-dokumentet skal tolkes. F.eks.
opløsningsafhængige længder (f.eks.
pixel-længde). Valgmuligheder er: cybookg3, cybook_opus, default,
hanlinv3, hanlinv5, illiad, irexdr1000, irexdr800, kindle, msreader,
mobipocket, nook, sony, sony300, sony900
- --list-recipes
- List builtin recipe names. You can create an e-book from a builtin recipe
like this: ebook-convert "Recipe Name.recipe"
- --output-profile
- Specify the output profile. The output profile tells the conversion system
how to optimize the created document for the specified device. In some
cases, an output profile can be used to optimize the output for a
particular device, but this is rarely necessary. Choices are:cybookg3,
cybook_opus, default, generic_eink, generic_eink_large, generic_eink_hd,
hanlinv3, hanlinv5, illiad, ipad, ipad3, irexdr1000, irexdr800, jetbook5,
kindle, kindle_dx, kindle_fire, kindle_oasis, kindle_pw, kindle_pw3,
kindle_scribe, kindle_voyage, kobo, msreader, mobipocket, nook,
nook_color, nook_hd_plus, pocketbook_inkpad3, pocketbook_lux,
pocketbook_hd, pocketbook_900, pocketbook_pro_912, galaxy, sony, sony300,
sony900, sony-landscape, sonyt3, tablet
Valgmuligheder til styring af behandlingen af input mobi filen
- --input-encoding
- Angiv tegnsættet for kildedokumentet. Hvis denne indstilling
vælges, vil dokumentets tegnsætsvalg overskrives.
Især nyttig til dokumenter, hvor tegnsæt ikke er valgt eller
har fejlagtige tegnsætsvalg.
Valgmuligheder til styring af behandlingen af output epub
- --dont-split-on-page-breaks
- Turn off splitting at page breaks. Normally, input files are automatically
split at every page break into two files. This gives an output e-book that
can be parsed faster and with less resources. However, splitting is slow
and if your source file contains a very large number of page breaks, you
should turn off splitting on page breaks.
- --epub-flatten
- This option is needed only if you intend to use the EPUB with FBReaderJ.
It will flatten the file system inside the EPUB, putting all files into
the top level.
- --epub-inline-toc
- Indsæt en indholdsfortegnelse som vil blive vist som en del af
bogens indhold.
- --epub-max-image-size
- The maximum image size (width x height). A value of none means use the
screen size from the output profile. A value of profile means no maximum
size is specified. For example, a value of 100x200 will cause all images
to be resized so that their width is no more than 100 pixels and their
height is no more than 200 pixels. Note that this only affects the size of
the actual image files themselves. Any given image may be rendered at a
different size depending on the styling applied to it in the
- --epub-toc-at-end
- Indsæt indholdsfortegnelsen i enden af bogen istedet for ved
- --epub-version
- The version of the EPUB file to generate. EPUB 2 is the most widely
compatible, only use EPUB 3 if you know you actually need it.
- Extract the contents of the generated EPUB file to the specified folder.
The contents of the folder are first deleted, so be careful.
- --flow-size
- Split all HTML files larger than this size (in KB). This is necessary as
most EPUB readers cannot handle large file sizes. The default of 260KB is
the size required for Adobe Digital Editions. Set to 0 to disable size
based splitting.
- --no-default-epub-cover
- Normalt, hvis input-filen ikke har et omslag og du ikke angiver et, vil et
standard omslag genereres med titel, forfattere, osv. Denne valgmulighed
deaktiverer genereringen af dette omslag.
- --no-svg-cover
- Anvend ikke SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) til et e-bogomslag. Anvend
denne valgmulighed hvis din EPUB skal anvendes til en enhed som ikke
understøtter SVG, som f.eks. iPhone eller JetBook Lite. Uden dette
fravalg vil disse enheder blot vise omslaget som en blank side.
- --preserve-cover-aspect-ratio
- Når et SVG omslag anvendes, vil denne valgmulighed gøre at
omslaget skaleres til skærmstørrelsen, men stadig bevare
aspektforholdet (forholdet mellem bredde og højde). Dette betyder
at der kan forekomme hvide flader ved siderne eller top og bund af
illustationen, men det forvrænges. Uden denne valgmulighed vil
billedet i en del tilfælde blive forvrænget, men
skærmen vil fyldes ud.
- --pretty-print
- Hvis angivet, vil uddata-udvidelsesmodulet prøve at oprette uddata,
der er så læsbart som muligt. Vil muligvis ikke have
virkning for visse uddata-udvidelsesmoduler.
- --toc-title
- Titel for enhver genereret in-line indholdsfortegnelse.
Valgmuligheder til styring af udseendet af output
- --asciiize
- Transliterate Unicode characters to an ASCII representation. Use with care
because this will replace Unicode characters with ASCII. For instance it
will replace "Pelé" with
"Pele". Also, note that in cases where there are
multiple representations of a character (characters shared by Chinese and
Japanese for instance) the representation based on the current calibre
interface language will be used.
- --base-font-size
- The base font size in pts. All font sizes in the produced book will be
rescaled based on this size. By choosing a larger size you can make the
fonts in the output bigger and vice versa. By default, when the value is
zero, the base font size is chosen based on the output profile you
- --change-justification
- Vælg afsnitsjustering. "left" giver
venstremargin. "justify" giver lige margin.
"original" (standard) - ingen ændring.
Bemærk at kun nogle output-formater understøtter lige
- --embed-all-fonts
- Embed every font that is referenced in the input document but not already
embedded. This will search your system for the fonts, and if found, they
will be embedded. Embedding will only work if the format you are
converting to supports embedded fonts, such as EPUB, AZW3, DOCX or PDF.
Please ensure that you have the proper license for embedding the fonts
used in this document.
- --embed-font-family
- Embed the specified font family into the book. This specifies the
"base" font used for the book. If the input
document specifies its own fonts, they may override this base font. You
can use the filter style information option to remove fonts from the input
document. Note that font embedding only works with some output formats,
principally EPUB, AZW3 and DOCX.
- --expand-css
- By default, calibre will use the shorthand form for various CSS properties
such as margin, padding, border, etc. This option will cause it to use the
full expanded form instead. Note that CSS is always expanded when
generating EPUB files with the output profile set to one of the Nook
profiles as the Nook cannot handle shorthand CSS.
- Enten stien til en CSS stylesheet eller rå CSS. Dette CSS vil blive
tilføjet til stilreglerne fra kildefilen, så de
tilsidesætte de oprindelige stilregler.
- --filter-css
- A comma separated list of CSS properties that will be removed from all CSS
style rules. This is useful if the presence of some style information
prevents it from being overridden on your device. For example:
- --font-size-mapping
- Afbildning fra CSS skriftsnavne til skriftsstørrelser i pkt
(typografiske punkter). Et eksempel valg er 12,12,14,16,18,20,22,24. Disse
afbildninger er skriftsstørrelserne for xx-small til xx-large, med
den sidste størrelser for store skriftsstørrelser.
Skrifternes reskaleringsalgoritme anvender disse størrelser som
målestok. Standardværdien fås fra en output-profil du
tidligere har valgt.
- --insert-blank-line
- Håndhæv blank linje (=to linjeskift) mellem afsnit. Valget
har ikke effekt på kildefiler, som ikke indeholder <p> eller
<div> tags.
- --insert-blank-line-size
- Set the height of the inserted blank lines (in em). The height of the
lines between paragraphs will be twice the value set here.
- --keep-ligatures
- Bevar ligaturer i input-dokumentet. En ligatur er en speciel skrivning af
et par bogstaver såsom ff, fi, fl et cetera. De fleste
e-boglæsere understøtter ikke ligaturer i deres skriftstyper
og de vil derfor ikke vises korrekt. Som standard vil Calibre omdanne en
ligatur til korresponderende par af normale bogstaver. Dette valg
bibeholde ligaturer.
- --line-height
- The line height in pts. Controls spacing between consecutive lines of
text. Only applies to elements that do not define their own line height.
In most cases, the minimum line height option is more useful. By default
no line height manipulation is performed.
- --linearize-tables
- Nogle dårligt designede dokumenter anvender tabeller til
layout-styring af sidens tekstelementer. Når disse dokumenter
konverteres, har de ofte tekstelementer som løber ud af
skærmen eller andre mærkværdigheder. Dette valg vil
fjerne tabellen og sammensætte tekstelementerne i
- --margin-bottom
- Set the bottom margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than
zero will cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in the original
document will be preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and
DOCX have their own margin settings that take precedence.
- --margin-left
- Set the left margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than zero
will cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in the original
document will be preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and
DOCX have their own margin settings that take precedence.
- --margin-right
- Set the right margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than
zero will cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in the original
document will be preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and
DOCX have their own margin settings that take precedence.
- --margin-top
- Set the top margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than zero
will cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in the original
document will be preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and
DOCX have their own margin settings that take precedence.
- --minimum-line-height
- The minimum line height, as a percentage of the element's
calculated font size. calibre will ensure that every element has a line
height of at least this setting, irrespective of what the input document
specifies. Set to zero to disable. Default is 120%. Use this setting in
preference to the direct line height specification, unless you know what
you are doing. For example, you can achieve "double
spaced" text by setting this to 240.
- --remove-paragraph-spacing
- Fjern afstand mellem afsnit. Der vælges også et indryk
på 1,5em. Spacing removal will not work if the source file does not
use paragraphs Valget har ikke effekt på kildefiler, som ikke
indeholder <p> eller <div> tags.
- --remove-paragraph-spacing-indent-size
- When calibre removes blank lines between paragraphs, it automatically sets
a paragraph indent, to ensure that paragraphs can be easily distinguished.
This option controls the width of that indent (in em). If you set this
value negative, then the indent specified in the input document is used,
that is, calibre does not change the indentation.
- --smarten-punctuation
- Convert plain quotes, dashes and ellipsis to their typographically correct
equivalents. For details, see
- --subset-embedded-fonts
- Subset all embedded fonts. Every embedded font is reduced to contain only
the glyphs used in this document. This decreases the size of the font
files. Useful if you are embedding a particularly large font with lots of
unused glyphs.
- --transform-css-rules
- Path to a file containing rules to transform the CSS styles in this book.
The easiest way to create such a file is to use the wizard for creating
rules in the calibre GUI. Access it in the "Look &
feel->Transform styles" section of the conversion dialog.
Once you create the rules, you can use the
"Export" button to save them to a file.
- --transform-html-rules
- Path to a file containing rules to transform the HTML in this book. The
easiest way to create such a file is to use the wizard for creating rules
in the calibre GUI. Access it in the "Look &
feel->Transform HTML" section of the conversion dialog.
Once you create the rules, you can use the
"Export" button to save them to a file.
Modify the document text and structure using common patterns.
Disabled by default. Use --enable-heuristics to enable. Individual actions
can be disabled with the --disable-* options.
- --disable-dehyphenate
- Analyze hyphenated words throughout the document. The document itself is
used as a dictionary to determine whether hyphens should be retained or
- --disable-fix-indents
- Turn indentation created from multiple non-breaking space entities into
CSS indents.
- --disable-format-scene-breaks
- Left aligned scene break markers are center aligned. Replace soft scene
breaks that use multiple blank lines with horizontal rules.
- --disable-markup-chapter-headings
- Detect unformatted chapter headings and sub headings. Change them to h2
and h3 tags. This setting will not create a TOC, but can be used in
conjunction with structure detection to create one.
- --disable-renumber-headings
- Looks for occurrences of sequential <h1> or <h2> tags. The
tags are renumbered to prevent splitting in the middle of chapter
- --enable-heuristics
- Slå heuristisk behandling til. Dette skal være slået
til for heuristisk behandling kan finde sted overhovedet.
- --html-unwrap-factor
- Scale used to determine the length at which a line should be unwrapped.
Valid values are a decimal between 0 and 1. The default is 0.4, just below
the median line length. If only a few lines in the document require
unwrapping this value should be reduced
- --replace-scene-breaks
- Replace scene breaks with the specified text. By default, the text from
the input document is used.
Ændre dokumentets tekst og struktur vha. brugerdefinerede
- --search-replace
- Path to a file containing search and replace regular expressions. The file
must contain alternating lines of regular expression followed by
replacement pattern (which can be an empty line). The regular expression
must be in the Python regex syntax and the file must be UTF-8
- --sr1-replace
- Erstatning som skal erstatte teksten fundet med sr1-search.
- --sr1-search
- Søgemønster (regulært udtryk) som skal erstattes med
- --sr2-replace
- Erstatning som skal erstatte teksten fundet med sr2-search.
- --sr2-search
- Søgemønster (regulært udtryk) som skal erstattes med
- --sr3-replace
- Erstatning som skal erstatte teksten fundet med sr3-search.
- --sr3-search
- Søgemønster (regulært udtryk) som skal erstattes med
Styring af auto-detektion af dokumentets struktur.
- --chapter
- An XPath expression to detect chapter titles. The default is to consider
<h1> or <h2> tags that contain the words
"chapter", "book",
"section", "prologue",
"epilogue" or "part" as
chapter titles as well as any tags that have
class="chapter". The expression used must evaluate
to a list of elements. To disable chapter detection, use the expression
"/". See the XPath Tutorial in the calibre User
Manual for further help on using this feature.
- --chapter-mark
- Angiv hvordan detekterede kapitler skal fremhæves. Værdien
"pagebreak" vil indsætte sideskift
før kapitler. Værdien "rule" vil
indsætte et linjeskift før kapitler. Værdien
"none" vil deaktivere fremhævningen - og
værdien "both" vil bruge både
sideskift og linjeskift som kapitelfremhævning.
- --disable-remove-fake-margins
- Some documents specify page margins by specifying a left and right margin
on each individual paragraph. calibre will try to detect and remove these
margins. Sometimes, this can cause the removal of margins that should not
have been removed. In this case you can disable the removal.
- --insert-metadata
- Insert the book metadata at the start of the book. This is useful if your
e-book reader does not support displaying/searching metadata
- --page-breaks-before
- An XPath expression. Page breaks are inserted before the specified
elements. To disable use the expression: /
- --remove-first-image
- Remove the first image from the input e-book. Useful if the input document
has a cover image that is not identified as a cover. In this case, if you
set a cover in calibre, the output document will end up with two cover
images if you do not specify this option.
- --start-reading-at
- An XPath expression to detect the location in the document at which to
start reading. Some e-book reading programs (most prominently the Kindle)
use this location as the position at which to open the book. See the XPath
tutorial in the calibre User Manual for further help using this
Styring af den automatiske generering af indholdsfortegnelsen. Som
udgangspunkt vil en evt. indholdsfortegnelse i kildefilen blive foretrukket,
fremfor en selvgenereret.
- --duplicate-links-in-toc
- When creating a TOC from links in the input document, allow duplicate
entries, i.e. allow more than one entry with the same text, provided that
they point to a different location.
- --level1-toc
- XPath expression that specifies all tags that should be added to the Table
of Contents at level one. If this is specified, it takes precedence over
other forms of auto-detection. See the XPath Tutorial in the calibre User
Manual for examples.
- --level2-toc
- XPath expression that specifies all tags that should be added to the Table
of Contents at level two. Each entry is added under the previous level one
entry. See the XPath Tutorial in the calibre User Manual for
- --level3-toc
- XPath expression that specifies all tags that should be added to the Table
of Contents at level three. Each entry is added under the previous level
two entry. See the XPath Tutorial in the calibre User Manual for
- --max-toc-links
- Maksimalt antal isatte henvisninger i indholdsfortegnelsen. Vælg 0
for deaktivering. Standardværdi er: 50. Henvisninger
tilføjes kun til indholdsfortegnelsen hvis mindre end kapitelantal
- --toc-filter
- Fjern indgange i indholdfortegnelse med titler, der matcher det valgte
regulære udtryk. Matchende indgange og alle deres underindgange
- --toc-threshold
- Hvis færre end dette antal kapitler er genkendt, bliver
henvisninger tilføjet til indholdsfortegnelsen.
Standardværdi: 6
- --use-auto-toc
- Hvis kildefilen allerede har en indholdsfortegnelse, vil den normalt blive
anvendt i stedet for den auto-genererede. Med denne indstilling vil den
auto-genererede altid blive brugt.
Muligheder for at angive metadata i output
- --authors
- Angiv forfatterne. Flere forfattere skal separeres ampersand.
- Set the e-book description.
- --cover
- Vælg omslaget via den angivne fil eller URL
- --pubdate
- Set the publication date (assumed to be in the local timezone, unless the
timezone is explicitly specified)
- --rating
- Angiv vurdering. Skal være et heltal i intervallet 1 til 5.
- --series
- Set the series this e-book belongs to.
- --series-index
- Angiv bogens indeks i denne serie.
- --tags
- Angiv bogens mærkater. Skal være en kommasepareret
- --timestamp
- Sæt bogens tidsmærke (bliver ikke længere brugt noget
- --title-sort
- Titelversion anvendt ved sortering.
Muligheder der kan hjælpe med konverteringsfejlfinding
- --debug-pipeline,
- Save the output from different stages of the conversion pipeline to the
specified folder. Useful if you are unsure at which stage of the
conversion process a bug is occurring.
- --verbose,
- Level of verbosity. Specify multiple times for greater verbosity.
Specifying it twice will result in full verbosity, once medium verbosity
and zero times least verbosity.