usermod(8) | System Management Commands | usermod(8) |
usermod - зміна облікового запису користувача
usermod [options] LOGIN
The usermod command modifies the system account files.
The options which apply to the usermod command are:
-a, --append
-b, --badname
-c, --comment COMMENT
-d, --home HOME_DIR
If the -m option is given, the contents of the current home directory will be moved to the new home directory, which is created if it does not already exist. If the current home directory does not exist the new home directory will not be created.
-e, --expiredate EXPIRE_DATE
Вхідне значення -1 або порожній рядок призведуть до вилучення вмісту поля строку дії облікового запису у файлі паролів shadow. Обліковий запис лишиться доступним, але без обмеження за датами.
This option requires a /etc/shadow file. A /etc/shadow entry will be created if there were none.
-f, --inactive INACTIVE
This option requires a /etc/shadow file. A /etc/shadow entry will be created if there were none.
-g, --gid GROUP
Власником будь-якого файла з домашнього каталогу користувача, власником якого була попередня основна група користувача, буде ця нова група.
Права власності на файли поза домашнім каталогом користувача має бути виправлено вручну.
The change of the group ownership of files inside of the user's home directory is also not done if the home dir owner uid is different from the current or new user id. This is a safety measure for special home directories such as /.
-G, --groups GROUP1[,GROUP2,...[,GROUPN]]]
If the user is currently a member of a group which is not listed, the user will be removed from the group. This behaviour can be changed via the -a option, which appends the user to the current supplementary group list.
-l, --login NEW_LOGIN
-L, --lock
Note: if you wish to lock the account (not only access with a password), you should also set the EXPIRE_DATE to 1.
-m, --move-home
This option is only valid in combination with the -d (or --home) option.
usermod will try to adapt the ownership of the files and to copy the modes, ACL and extended attributes, but manual changes might be needed afterwards.
-o, --non-unique
This option is only valid in combination with the -u option. As a user identity serves as key to map between users on one hand and permissions, file ownerships and other aspects that determine the system's behavior on the other hand, more than one login name will access the account of the given UID.
-p, --password PASSWORD
Note: Avoid this option on the command line because the password (or encrypted password) will be visible by users listing the processes.
The password will be written in the local /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow file. This might differ from the password database configured in your PAM configuration.
Вам слід переконатися, що пароль відповідає правилам складання паролів системи.
-r, --remove
-R, --root CHROOT_DIR
-P, --prefix PREFIX_DIR
-s, --shell SHELL
-u, --uid UID
This value must be unique, unless the -o option is used. The value must be non-negative.
Ідентифікатори користувача файла поштової скриньки користувача і усіх файлів, власником яких є користувач і які зберігаються у домашньому каталозі користувача, буде змінено автоматично.
Права власності на файли поза домашнім каталогом користувача має бути виправлено вручну.
The change of the user ownership of files inside of the user's home directory is also not done if the home dir owner uid is different from the current or new user id. This is a safety measure for special home directories such as /.
No checks will be performed with regard to the UID_MIN, UID_MAX, SYS_UID_MIN, or SYS_UID_MAX from /etc/login.defs.
-U, --unlock
Note: if you wish to unlock the account (not only access with a password), you should also set the EXPIRE_DATE (for example to 99999, or to the EXPIRE value from /etc/default/useradd).
-v, --add-subuids FIRST-LAST
Цей параметр можна вказувати декілька разів у одній команді, щоб додати декілька діапазонів до облікового запису користувача.
No checks will be performed with regard to SUB_UID_MIN, SUB_UID_MAX, or SUB_UID_COUNT from /etc/login.defs.
-V, --del-subuids FIRST-LAST
This option may be specified multiple times to remove multiple ranges to a user's account. When both --del-subuids and --add-subuids are specified, the removal of all subordinate uid ranges happens before any subordinate uid range is added.
No checks will be performed with regard to SUB_UID_MIN, SUB_UID_MAX, or SUB_UID_COUNT from /etc/login.defs.
-w, --add-subgids FIRST-LAST
Цей параметр можна вказувати декілька разів у одній команді, щоб додати декілька діапазонів до облікового запису користувача.
No checks will be performed with regard to SUB_GID_MIN, SUB_GID_MAX, or SUB_GID_COUNT from /etc/login.defs.
-W, --del-subgids FIRST-LAST
This option may be specified multiple times to remove multiple ranges to a user's account. When both --del-subgids and --add-subgids are specified, the removal of all subordinate gid ranges happens before any subordinate gid range is added.
No checks will be performed with regard to SUB_GID_MIN, SUB_GID_MAX, or SUB_GID_COUNT from /etc/login.defs.
-Z, --selinux-user SEUSER
--selinux-range SERANGE
This option is only valid if the -Z (or --selinux-user) option is specified.
You must make certain that the named user is not executing any processes when this command is being executed if the user's numerical user ID, the user's name, or the user's home directory is being changed. usermod checks this on Linux. On other operating systems it only uses utmp to check if the user is logged in.
You must change the owner of any crontab files or at jobs manually.
Вам слід внести усі зміни щодо NIS на сервері NIS.
The following configuration variables in /etc/login.defs change the behavior of this tool:
chfn(1), chsh(1), passwd(1), crypt(3), gpasswd(8), groupadd(8), groupdel(8), groupmod(8), login.defs(5), subgid(5), subuid(5), useradd(8), userdel(8).
06/12/2024 | shadow-utils 4.16.0 |