Unrecognized - manual page for Unrecognized input

python tsx_dump_data.py tsx_COSAR_product outputfile [l0 lN p0 pN] -res RESFILE

Unrecognized input

where tsx_COSAR_product is the input filename
is the output filename
is the first azimuth line (starting at 1)
is the last azimuth line
is the first range pixel (starting at 1)
is the last range pixel
DORIS result file that is to be updated for crop metadata

Usage: python tsx_dump_data.py tsx_COSAR_product outputfile [l0 lN p0 pN] -res RESFILE

where tsx_COSAR_product is the input filename
is the output filename
is the first azimuth line (starting at 1)
is the last azimuth line
is the first range pixel (starting at 1)
is the last range pixel
DORIS result file that is to be updated for crop metadata

The full documentation for Unrecognized is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and Unrecognized programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info Unrecognized

should give you access to the complete manual.

September 2017 Unrecognized input