sim_axis_hardware - A component to simulate home and limit switches

loadrt sim_axis_hardware [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]]

This component creates simulated home and limit switches based on the current position.
It currently can supply simulation for X, tandem X, Y, tandem Y, Z, U, V, and A axes.

The current position on the axis - eg connect to joint.0.motor-pos-fb

The position of the home switch

The upper range of the maximum limit switch, above this is false.

The lower range of the maximum limit switch, below this is false.

The upper range of the minimum limit switch, above this is false.

The lower range of the minimum limit switch, below this is false.

range that home switch will be true +- half this to the home position

True is homing in progress

Home switch for the X axis

Max limit switch
min limit switch
True for both max and min limit switch

True for all limits and all home.

how much the limit switches are offset from inputted position. added to max, subtracted from min

Chris S Morley


2024-07-13 LinuxCNC Documentation