multiclick - Single-, double-, triple-, and quadruple-click detector
loadrt multiclick [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]]
A click is defined as a rising edge on the 'in' pin, followed by the 'in' pin being True for at most 'max-hold-ns' nanoseconds, followed by a falling edge.
A double-click is defined as two clicks, separated by at most 'max-space-ns' nanoseconds with the 'in' pin in the False state.
I bet you can guess the definition of triple- and quadruple-click.
You probably want to run the input signal through a debounce component before feeding it to the multiclick detector, if the input is at all noisy.
The '*-click' pins go high as soon as the input detects the correct number of clicks.
The '*-click-only' pins go high a short while after the click, after the click separator space timeout has expired to show that no further click is coming. This is useful for triggering halui MDI commands.
Sebastian Kuzminsky
2024-07-13 | LinuxCNC Documentation |