MILLTURN(9) | HAL Component | MILLTURN(9) |
millturn - Switchable kinematics for a mill-turn machine
loadrt millturn [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]]
This is a switchable kinematics module using 3 cartesian linear joints (XYZ) and 1 angular joint (A). The module contains two kinematic models:
type0 (default) is a mill (XYZA) configuration with A being a rotary axis.
type1 is a turn (Z-YX) configuration with A configured to be a spindle.
For an example configuration, run the sim config: 'configs/sim/axis/vismach/millturn/millturn.ini'.
Further explanations can be found in the README in 'configs/sim/axis/vismach/millturn'.
millturn.comp was constructed by modifying the template file: userkins.comp.
For more information on how to modify userkins.comp run: $ man userkins. Also, see additional information inside: 'userkins.comp'.
For information on kinematics in general see the kinematics document chapter (docs/src/motion/kinematics.txt) and for switchable kinematics in particular see the switchkins document chapter (docs/src/motion/switchkins.txt)
David Mueller
2024-07-13 | LinuxCNC Documentation |