MAX31855(9) | HAL Component | MAX31855(9) |
max31855 - Support for the MAX31855 Thermocouple-to-Digital converter using bitbanged spi
loadrt max31855 [count=N|names=name1[,name2...]] [personality=P1,P2,...]
The component requires at least 3 pins to bitbang spi protocol, for example:
loadrt max31855 personality=1
setp hm2_6i25.0.gpio.023.is_output true setp hm2_6i25.0.gpio.024.is_output true
net hm2_6i25.0.gpio.023.out max31855.0.clk.out net hm2_6i25.0.gpio.024.out max31855.0.cs.out net hm2_6i25.0.gpio.033.in_not
addf max31855.0.bitbang-spi servo-thread
The MAX31855 supports a range of -270C to 1800C, however linearization data is only available for the -200C to 1350C range, beyond which raw temperature is returned.
Temperature pins are provided for readings in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin, temperature values are not updated while a fault condition is present.
The personality parameter is used to indicate the number of sensors. Multiple sensors share the clk and cs pins, but connect to discrete data input pins. A maximum of 15 sensors are supported.
Joseph Calderon
2024-07-13 | LinuxCNC Documentation |