gearchange - Select from one two speed ranges

The output will be a value scaled for the selected gear, and clamped to the min/max values for that gear. The scale of gear 1 is assumed to be 1, so the output device scale should be chosen accordingly. The scale of gear 2 is relative to gear 1, so if gear 2 runs the spindle 2.5 times as fast as gear 1, scale2 should be set to 2.5.

Gear selection input
Speed command input
Speed command to DAC/PWM
Direction command input
Direction output - possibly inverted for second gear

Minimum allowed speed in gear range 1
Maximum allowed speed in gear range 1
Minimum allowed speed in gear range 2
Maximum allowed speed in gear range 2
Relative scale of gear 2 vs. gear 1. Since it is assumed that gear 2 is "high gear", scale2 must be greater than 1, and will be reset to 1 if set lower.
Set to 1 to reverse the spindle in second gear.

Stephen Wille Padnos


2024-07-13 LinuxCNC Documentation