xfsrestore - XFS filesystem incremental restore utility
xfsrestore -h
xfsrestore [ options ] -f source [ -f source ... ] dest
xfsrestore [ options ] - dest
xfsrestore -I [ subopt=value ... ]
xfsrestore restores filesystems from dumps produced by
xfsdump(8). Two modes of operation are available: simple and
The default is simple mode. xfsrestore populates the
specified destination directory, dest, with the files contained in
the dump media.
The -r option specifies the cumulative mode. Successive
invocations of xfsrestore are used to apply a chronologically ordered
sequence of delta dumps to a base (level 0) dump. The contents of the
filesystem at the time each dump was produced is reproduced. This can
involve adding, deleting, renaming, linking, and unlinking files and
A delta dump is defined as either an incremental dump
(xfsdump -l option with level > 0) or a resumed dump
(xfsdump -R option). The deltas must be applied in the order
they were produced. Each delta applied must have been produced with the
previously applied delta as its base.
xfsrestore keeps state information in the
xfsrestorehousekeepingdir, to inform subsequent invocations when used
in cumulative mode, or in the event a restore is interrupted. To ensure that
the state information can be processed, a compatible version of
xfsrestore must be used for each subsequent invocation. Additionally,
each invocation must run on a system of the same endianness and page
The options to xfsrestore are:
- -a
- Each invocation of xfsrestore creates a directory called
xfsrestorehousekeepingdir. This directory is normally created
directly under the dest directory. The -a option allows the
operator to specify an alternate directory, housekeeping, in which
xfsrestore creates the xfsrestorehousekeepingdir directory.
When performing a cumulative (-r option) restore or resuming
(-R option) a restore, each successive invocation must specify the
same alternate directory.
- -b blocksize
- Specifies the blocksize, in bytes, to be used for the restore. For other
drives such as DAT or 8 mm , the same blocksize used for the xfsdump
operation must be specified to restore the tape. The default block size is
- -c progname
- Use the specified program to alert the operator when a media change is
required. The alert program is typically a script to send a mail or flash
a window to draw the operator's attention.
- -e
- Prevents xfsrestore from overwriting existing files in the
dest directory.
- -f source [ -f
source ... ]
- Specifies a source of the dump to be restored. This can be the pathname of
a device (such as a tape drive), a regular file or a remote tape drive
(see rmt(8)). This option must be omitted if the standard input
option (a lone - preceding the dest specification) is
- -i
- Selects interactive operation. Once the on-media directory hierarchy has
been read, an interactive dialogue is begun. The operator uses a small set
of commands to peruse the directory hierarchy, selecting files and
subtrees for extraction. The available commands are given below. Initially
nothing is selected, except for those subtrees specified with -s
command line options.
- ls [arg]
- List the entries in the current directory or the specified directory, or
the specified non-directory file entry. Both the entry's original inode
number and name are displayed. Entries that are directories are appended
with a `/'. Entries that have been selected for extraction are prepended
with a `*'.
- cd [arg]
- Change the current working directory to the specified argument, or to the
filesystem root directory if no argument is specified.
- pwd
- Print the pathname of the current directory, relative to the filesystem
- add [arg]
- The current directory or specified file or directory within the current
directory is selected for extraction. If a directory is specified, then it
and all its descendents are selected. Entries that are selected for
extraction are prepended with a `*' when they are listed by
- delete
- The current directory or specified file or directory within the current
directory is deselected for extraction. If a directory is specified, then
it and all its descendents are deselected. The most expedient way to
extract most of the files from a directory is to select the directory and
then deselect those files that are not needed.
- Ends the interactive dialogue, and causes all selected subtrees to be
- quit
- xfsrestore ends the interactive dialogue and immediately exits,
even if there are files or subtrees selected for extraction.
- help
- List a summary of the available commands.
- -m
- Use the minimal tape protocol. This option cannot be used without
specifying a blocksize to be used (see -b option above).
- -n file
- Allows xfsrestore to restore only files newer than file. The
modification time of file (i.e., as displayed with the ls -l
command) is compared to the inode modification time of each file on the
source media (i.e., as displayed with the ls -lc command). A file
is restored from media only if its inode modification time is greater than
or equal to the modification time of file.
- -o
- Restore file and directory owner/group even if not root. When run with an
effective user id of root, xfsrestore restores owner and group of
each file and directory. When run with any other effective user id it does
not, unless this option is specified.
- -p interval
- Causes progress reports to be printed at intervals of interval
seconds. The interval value is approximate, xfsrestore will delay
progress reports to avoid undue processing overhead.
- -q
- Source tape drive is a QIC tape. QIC tapes only use a 512 byte blocksize,
for which xfsrestore must make special allowances.
- -r
- Selects the cumulative mode of operation. The -a and
destination options must be the same for each invocation.
- -s subtree
- Specifies a subtree to restore. Any number of -s options are
allowed. The restore is constrained to the union of all subtrees
specified. Each subtree is specified as a pathname relative to the restore
dest. If a directory is specified, the directory and all files
beneath that directory are restored.
- -t
- Displays the contents of the dump, but does not create or modify any files
or directories. It may be desirable to set the verbosity level to
silent when using this option.
- -x
- This option may be useful to fix an issue which the files are restored to
orphanage directory because of xfsdump (v3.1.7 - v3.1.9) problem. A normal
dump cannot be restored with this option. This option works only for a
corrupted dump. If a dump is created by problematic xfsdump (v3.1.7 -
v3.1.9), you should see the contents of the dump with -t option
before restoring. Then, if a file is placed to the orphanage directory,
you need to use this -x option to restore the dump. Otherwise, you
can restore the dump without this option.
In the cumulative mode, this option is required only for a
base (level 0) dump. You no longer need this option for level 1+
- -v verbosity
- -v
- Specifies the level of detail used for messages displayed during the
course of the restore. The verbosity argument can be passed as
either a string or an integer. If passed as a string the following values
may be used: silent, verbose, trace, debug, or
nitty. If passed as an integer, values from 0-5 may be used. The
values 0-4 correspond to the strings already listed. The value 5 can be
used to produce even more verbose debug output.
The first form of this option activates message logging across
all restore subsystems. The second form allows the message logging level
to be controlled on a per-subsystem basis. The two forms can be combined
(see the example below). The argument subsys can take one of the
following values: general, proc, drive,
media, inventory, and tree.
For example, to restore the root filesystem with tracing
activated for all subsystems:
# xfsrestore -v trace -f /dev/tape /
To enable debug-level tracing for drive and media operations:
# xfsrestore -v drive=debug,media=debug -f /dev/tape /
To enable tracing for all subsystems, and debug level tracing for drive
operations only:
# xfsrestore -v trace,drive=debug -f /dev/tape /
- -A
- Do not restore extended file attributes. When restoring a filesystem
managed within a DMF environment this option should not be used. DMF
stores file migration status within extended attributes associated with
each file. If these attributes are not preserved when the filesystem is
restored, files that had been in migrated state will not be recallable by
DMF. Note that dumping of extended file attributes is also optional.
- -B
- Change the ownership and permissions of the destination directory to match
those of the root directory of the dump.
- -D
- Restore DMAPI (Data Management Application Programming Interface) event
settings. If the restored filesystem will be managed within the same DMF
environment as the original dump it is essential that the -D option be
used. Otherwise it is not usually desirable to restore these
- -E
- Prevents xfsrestore from overwriting newer versions of files. The
inode modification time of the on-media file is compared to the inode
modification time of corresponding file in the dest directory. The
file is restored only if the on-media version is newer than the version in
the dest directory. The inode modification time of a file can be
displayed with the ls -lc command.
- -F
- Inhibit interactive operator prompts. This option inhibits
xfsrestore from prompting the operator for verification of the
selected dump as the restore target and from prompting for any media
- -I
- Causes the xfsdump inventory to be displayed (no restore is
performed). Each time xfsdump is used, an online inventory in
/var/lib/xfsdump/inventory is updated. This is used to determine
the base for incremental dumps. It is also useful for manually identifying
a dump session to be restored (see the -L and -S options).
Suboptions to filter the inventory display are described later.
- -J
- Inhibits inventory update when on-media session inventory encountered
during restore. xfsrestore opportunistically updates the online
inventory when it encounters an on-media session inventory, but only if
run with an effective user id of root and only if this option is not
- -K
- Force xfsrestore to use dump format 2 generation numbers. Normally
the need for this is determined automatically, but this option is required
on the first xfsrestore invocation in the rare case that a
cumulative restore begins with a format 3 (or newer) dump and will be
followed by a format 2 dump.
- -L
- Specifies the label of the dump session to be restored. The source media
is searched for this label. It is any arbitrary string up to 255
characters long. The label of the desired dump session can be copied from
the inventory display produced by the -I option.
- -O
- Insert the options contained in options_file into the beginning of
the command line. The options are specified just as they would appear if
typed into the command line. In addition, newline characters (\n) can be
used as whitespace. The options are placed before all options actually
given on the command line, just after the command name. Only one -O
option can be used. Recursive use is ignored. The destination directory
cannot be specified in options_file.
- -Q
- Force completion of an interrupted restore session. This option is
required to work around one specific pathological scenario. When restoring
a dump session which was interrupted due to an EOM condition and no online
session inventory is available, xfsrestore cannot know when the
restore of that dump session is complete. The operator is forced to
interrupt the restore session. In that case, if the operator tries to
subsequently apply a resumed dump (using the -r option),
xfsrestore refuses to do so. The operator must tell
xfsrestore to consider the base restore complete by using this
option when applying the resumed dump.
- -R
- Resume a previously interrupted restore. xfsrestore can be
interrupted at any time by pressing the terminal interrupt character (see
stty(1)). Use this option to resume the restore. The -a and
destination options must be the same.
- -S session_id
- Specifies the session UUID of the dump session to be restored. The source
media is searched for this UUID. The UUID of the desired dump session can
be copied from the inventory display produced by the -I
- -T
- Inhibits interactive dialogue timeouts. xfsrestore prompts the
operator for media changes. This dialogue normally times out if no
response is supplied. This option prevents the timeout.
- -X subtree
- Specifies a subtree to exclude. This is the converse of the -s
option. Any number of -X options are allowed. Each subtree is
specified as a pathname relative to the restore dest. If a
directory is specified, the directory and all files beneath that directory
are excluded.
- -Y
- Specify I/O buffer ring length. xfsrestore uses a ring of input
buffers to achieve maximum throughput when restoring from tape drives. The
default ring length is 3. However, this is not currently enabled on Linux
yet, making this option benign.
- -
- A lone - causes the standard input to be read as the source of the
dump to be restored. Standard input can be a pipe from another utility
(such as xfsdump(8)) or a redirected file. This option cannot be
used with the -f option. The - must follow all other
options, and precede the dest specification.
The dumped filesystem is restored into the dest directory.
There is no default; the dest must be specified.
A base (level 0) dump and an ordered set of delta dumps can be
sequentially restored, each on top of the previous, to reproduce the
contents of the original filesystem at the time the last delta was produced.
The operator invokes xfsrestore once for each dump. The -r
option must be specified. The dest directory must be the same for all
invocations. Each invocation leaves a directory named
xfsrestorehousekeeping in the dest directory (however, see the
-a option above). This directory contains the state information that
must be communicated between invocations. The operator must remove this
directory after the last delta has been applied.
xfsrestore also generates a directory named
orphanage in the dest directory. xfsrestore removes
this directory after completing a simple restore. However, if
orphanage is not empty, it is not removed. This can happen if files
present on the dump media are not referenced by any of the restored
directories. The orphanage has an entry for each such file. The entry
name is the file's original inode number, a ".", and the file's
generation count modulo 4096 (only the lower 12 bits of the generation count
are used).
xfsrestore does not remove the orphanage after
cumulative restores. Like the xfsrestorehousekeeping directory, the
operator must remove it after applying all delta dumps.
A dump consists of one or more media files contained on one or
more media objects. A media file contains all or a portion of the filesystem
dump. Large filesystems are broken up into multiple media files to minimize
the impact of media dropouts, and to accommodate media object boundaries
A media object is any storage medium: a tape cartridge, a remote
tape device (see rmt(8)), a regular file, or the standard input
(currently other removable media drives are not supported). Tape cartridges
can contain multiple media files, which are typically separated by (in tape
parlance) file marks. If a dump spans multiple media objects, the restore
must begin with the media object containing the first media file dumped. The
operator is prompted when the next media object is needed.
Media objects can contain more than one dump. The operator can
select the desired dump by specifying the dump label (-L option), or
by specifying the dump UUID (-S option). If neither is specified,
xfsrestore scans the entire media object, prompting the operator as
each dump session is encountered.
The inventory display (-I option) is useful for identifying
the media objects required. It is also useful for identifying a dump
session. The session UUID can be copied from the inventory display to the
-S option argument to unambiguously identify a dump session to be
Dumps placed in regular files or the standard output do not span
multiple media objects, nor do they contain multiple dumps.
Each dump session updates an inventory database in
/var/lib/xfsdump/inventory. This database can be displayed by
invoking xfsrestore with the -I option. The display uses
tabbed indentation to present the inventory hierarchically. The first level
is filesystem. The second level is session. The third level is media stream
(currently only one stream is supported). The fourth level lists the media
files sequentially composing the stream.
The following suboptions are available to filter the display.
- -I depth=n
- (where n is 1, 2, or 3) limits the hierarchical depth of the
display. When n is 1, only the filesystem information from the
inventory is displayed. When n is 2, only filesystem and session
information are displayed. When n is 3, only filesystem, session
and stream information are displayed.
- -I level=n
- (where n is the dump level) limits the display to dumps of that
particular dump level.
The display may be restricted to media files contained in a
specific media object.
- -I mobjid=value
- (where value is a media ID) specifies the media object by its media
- -I mobjlabel=value
- (where value is a media label) specifies the media object by its
media label.
Similarly, the display can be restricted to a specific
- -I mnt=mount_point
- (that is, [hostname:]pathname), identifies the filesystem by mountpoint.
Specifying the hostname is optional, but may be useful in a clustered
environment where more than one host can be responsible for dumping a
- -I fsid=filesystem_id
- identifies the filesystem by filesystem ID.
- -I dev=device_pathname
- (that is, [hostname:]device_pathname) identifies the filesystem by device.
As with the mnt filter, specifying the hostname is optional.
More than one of these suboptions, separated by commas, may be
specified at the same time to limit the display of the inventory to those
dumps of interest. However, at most four suboptions can be specified at
once: one to constrain the display hierarchy depth, one to constrain the
dump level, one to constrain the media object, and one to constrain the
For example, -I depth=1,mobjlabel="tape
1",mnt=host1:/test_mnt would display only the filesystem
information (depth=1) for those filesystems that were mounted on
host1:/test_mnt at the time of the dump, and only those filesystems
dumped to the media object labeled "tape 1".
Dump records may be removed (pruned) from the inventory using the
xfsinvutil program.
An additional media file is placed at the end of each dump stream.
This media file contains the inventory information for the current dump
session. If the online inventory files in /var/lib/xfsdump/inventory
are missing information for the current dump session, then the inventory
information in the media file is automatically added to the files in
/var/lib/xfsdump/inventory. If you wish to incorporate the inventory
information from the media file without restoring any data, you may do so
using the -t option:
# xfsrestore -t -f /dev/tape
This is useful to rebuild the inventory database if it is ever lost or
corrupted. The only caveat is that xfsrestore needs to read through
the entire dump in order to reach the inventory media file. This could
become time consuming for dump sessions with large media files.
xfsdump is tolerant of media errors, but cannot do error
correction. If a media error occurs in the body of a media file, the
filesystem file represented at that point is lost. The bad portion of the
media is skipped, and the restoration resumes at the next filesystem file
after the bad portion of the media.
If a media error occurs in the beginning of the media file, the
entire media file is lost. For this reason, large dumps are broken into a
number of reasonably sized media files. The restore resumes with the next
media file.
When xfsdump dumps a filesystem with user quotas, it
creates a file in the root of the dump called xfsdump_quotas.
xfsrestore can restore this file like any other file included in the
dump. This file can be processed by the restore command of
xfs_quota(8) to reactivate the quotas. However, the
xfsdump_quotas file contains information which may first require
modification; specifically the filesystem name and the user ids. If you are
restoring the quotas for the same users on the same filesystem from which
the dump was taken, then no modification will be necessary. However, if you
are restoring the dump to a different filesystem, you will need to:
- ensure the new filesystem is mounted with the quota
- modify the xfsdump_quotas file to contain the new
filesystem name
- ensure the uids in the xfsdump_quotas file are
Once the quota information has been verified, the restore command
of xfs_quota (8) can be used to apply the quota limits to the
Group and project quotas are handled in a similar fashion and will
be restored in files called xfsdump_quotas_group and
xfsdump_quotas_proj, respectively.
To restore the root filesystem from a locally mounted tape:
# xfsrestore -f /dev/tape /
To restore from a remote tape, specifying the dump session id:
# xfsrestore -L session_1 -f otherhost:/dev/tape /new
To restore the contents a of a dump to another subdirectory:
# xfsrestore -f /dev/tape /newdir
To copy the contents of a filesystem to another directory (see
# xfsdump -J - / | xfsrestore -J - /new
- /var/lib/xfsdump/inventory
- dump inventory database
rmt(8), xfsdump(8), xfsinvutil(8), xfs_quota(8), attr_set(2).
The exit code is 0 on normal completion, and non-zero if an error
occurred or the restore was terminated by the operator.
For all verbosity levels greater than 0 (silent) the final
line of the output shows the exit status of the restore. It is of the form:
xfsdump: Restore Status: code
Where code takes one of the following values: SUCCESS (normal
completion), INTERRUPT (interrupted), QUIT (media no longer
usable), INCOMPLETE (restore incomplete), FAULT (software
error), and ERROR (resource error). Every attempt will be made to
keep both the syntax and the semantics of this log message unchanged in
future versions of xfsrestore. However, it may be necessary to refine or
expand the set of exit codes, or their interpretation at some point in the
Pathnames of restored non-directory files (relative to the
dest directory) must be 1023 characters (MAXPATHLEN) or less. Longer
pathnames are discarded and a warning message displayed.
There is no verify option to xfsrestore. This would allow
the operator to compare a filesystem dump to an existing filesystem, without
actually doing a restore.
The interactive commands (-i option) do not understand
regular expressions.
When the minimal rmt option is specified, xfsrestore
applies it to all remote tape sources. The same blocksize (specified by the
-b option) is used for all these remote drives.
xfsrestore uses the alert program only when a media change
is required.
Cumulative mode (-r option) requires that the operator
invoke xfsrestore for the base and for each delta to be applied in
sequence to the base. It would be better to allow the operator to identify
the last delta in the sequence of interest, and let xfsrestore work
backwards from that delta to identify and apply the preceding deltas and
base dump, all in one invocation.