snap-discard-ns - internal tool for discarding preserved namespaces of snappy applications

snap-discard-ns [--from-snap-confine] SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME

The snap-discard-ns is a program used internally by snapd to discard a preserved mount namespace of a particular snap.

The --from-snap-confine option is used internally by snap-confine to tell snap-discard-ns that it is invoked from snap-confine and can disable locking.

snap-discard-ns responds to the following environment variables

When defined the program will print additional diagnostic information about the actions being performed. All the output goes to stderr.

snap-discard-ns uses the following files:

/run/snapd/ns/$SNAP_INSTNACE_NAME.mnt: /run/snapd/ns/$SNAP_INSTNACE_NAME.*.mnt:

The preserved mount namespace that is unmounted and removed by snap-discard-ns. The second form is for the per-user mount namespace.

/run/snapd/ns/snap.$SNAP_INSTNACE_NAME.fstab: /run/snapd/ns/snap.$SNAP_INSTNACE_NAME.*.user-fstab:

The current mount profile of a preserved mount namespace that is removed by snap-discard-ns.

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Canonical Ltd.

2018-10-17 2.36