NODM(8) System Administration Utilities NODM(8)

nodm - X display manager for automatic logins

nodm [options]

nodm is a minimal display manager that simply logs in as a given user and starts an X session, without asking for username or password.

On a normal computer, using nodm is a big security issue because it would give anyone access to the computer.

However, there are cases where automatic login is needed: for example in an embedded system such as a mobile phone, or in a kiosk setup, or in a control panel for industrial machinery. For those cases, nodm is simple to setup, lightweight, and it should do exactly the right thing.

print this help message
print nodm's version number
verbose outpout or logging
only log warnings and errors
run a nested X server, does not require root. The server defaults to "/usr/bin/Xnest :1", override with NODM_X_OPTIONS
enable/disable logging to syslog
enable/disable logging to stderr

nodm is written and maintained by Enrico Zini <> and Joachim Breitner <>.

xinit(1), xdm(1), gdm(1), kdm(1).

July 2024 nodm version 0.13