INFNOISE(8) System Manager's Manual INFNOISE(8)

infnoise - Infinite Noise TRNG driver

infnoise --help
infnoise --version
infnoise --list-devices
infnoise [--debug] [--dev-random] [--raw] [--multiplier <value>] [--no-output] [--pidfile <file>] [--daemon] [--serial <serial>]

infnoise provides access to the Infinite Noise True Random Number Generator and allows the data it generates to be fed into the system's random number generator.

infnoise --help shows a short summary of the options.

infnoise --version displays the program's version information.

infnoise --list-devices lists all the supported TRNG devices present on the system.

infnoise reads random data from a TRNG and outputs filtered random data to its standard output. The various options control the program's behaviour.

measures the quality of the data obtained from the TRNG. It is typically used with --no-output as a sanity test.
adds the filtered data to the system's entropy pool instead of sending it to its standard output.
disables output whitening.
writes 256 bits × value for every 512 bits written to the Keccak sponge; the default of 0 means to write all the available entropy, without multiplying it.
disables output of random data.
stores the process' identifier in file.
starts the program as a daemon.
uses the device matching the specified serial.
June 25 2018