ipmiutil_alarms - display and set alarm indicators
ipmiutil alarms [-abcdimnoprx -N node -U user -P/-R pswd
ipmiutil alarms is a program that uses IPMI commands to
display and set alarm indicators, which are usually LEDs on the system
chassis front panel. This utility can use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver from
OpenIPMI, the /dev/imb driver from Intel, the /dev/ipmikcs driver from
valinux, direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N. Note that a
LAN user must have Administrative privileges to read or write the alarm
Note that this utility may not be the only logic setting alarm
states. The BMC firmware, system management software, or cluster fault
manager may also want to set alarm states. Intel provides a Telco Alarms
Manager API which presents a consolidated interface for all alarm management
Command line options are described below.
- -r
- Read-only. Show the alarms status, but do not set any states. This is also
the default mode if no parameters are specified.
- -iN
- Sets the Chassis Identify feature, which can be an LED or some other
alarm. If N=0, turn off the Chassis ID, otherwise turn the ID on for N
seconds. N=255 will turn on the ID indefinitely, if it is IPMI 2.0.
- -aN
- Sets Disk A Fault LED. If N=0, turn it off. If N=1, turn it on. Used only
for TIGPT1U platform.
- -bN
- Sets Disk B Fault LED. If N=0, turn it off. If N=1, turn it on. Used only
for TIGPT1U platform.
- -dXN
- Sets Disk X Fault LED, where X=0-6. If N=0, turn it off. If N=1, turn it
on. Used only for NSC2U platform.
- -cN
- Sets the Critical Alarm. If N=0, turn it off. If N=1, turn it on.
- -mN
- Sets the Major Alarm. If N=0, turn it off. If N=1, turn it on.
- -nN
- Sets the Minor Alarm. If N=0, turn it off. If N=1, turn it on.
- -pN
- Sets the Power Alarm. If N=0, turn it off. If N=1, turn it on. Note that
the Power LED is also wired to the System Fault LED in the back of the
system, so this state may be off for Power, but the LED could be lit for a
System Fault reason instead. Refer to the system Technical Product
Specification for System Faults.
- -o
- Sets all alarms off, including the Chassis ID.
- -x
- Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.
- -N nodename
- Nodename or IP address of the remote target system. If a nodename is
specified, IPMI LAN interface is used. Otherwise the local system
management interface is used.
- -P/-R rmt_pswd
- Remote password for the nodename given. The default is a null
- -U rmt_user
- Remote username for the nodename given. The default is a null
- -E
- Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.
- -F drv_t
- Force the driver type to one of the followng: imb, va, open, gnu, landesk,
lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb. Note that lan2i means lan2 with intelplus. The
default is to detect any available driver type and use it.
- -J
- Use the specified LanPlus cipher suite (0 thru 17): 0=none/none/none,
1=sha1/none/none, 2=sha1/sha1/none, 3=sha1/sha1/cbc128,
4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128, 5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40, 6=md5/none/none, ...
14=md5/md5/xrc4_40. Default is 3.
- -T
- Use this IPMI LAN Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2, 2=MD5, 4=Straight
Password, 5=OEM.
- -V
- Use this IPMI LAN privilege level. 1=Callback level, 2=User level,
3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default), 5=OEM level.
- -Y
- Yes, do prompt the user for the IPMI LAN remote password. Alternatives for
the password are -E or -P.
ipmiutil(8) iconfig(8) icmd(8) idiscover(8) ievents(8) ifru(8)
igetevent(8) ihealth(8) ilan(8) ireset(8) isel(8) isensor(8) iserial(8)
isol(8) iwdt(8)
See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/ for the latest version of
ipmiutil and any bug fix list.
Copyright (C) 2009 Kontron America, Inc.
See the file COPYING in the distribution for more details
regarding redistribution.
This utility is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
Andy Cress <arcress at users.sourceforge.net>