mbexamine - Cyrus IMAP documentation

Examine a cyrus-format mailbox

mbexamine [ -C config-file ] [ -u uid ] mailbox...
mbexamine [ -C config-file ] [ -s seqnum] mailbox...
mbexamine [ -C config-file ] -q mailbox...
mbexamine [ -C config-file ] -c mailbox...

mbexamine will examine the header, index, and cache files of a cyrus format mailbox and dump the information contained therein. It can also limit its output to a specific uid or sequence number, through use of the -s and -u switches.

mbexamine reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(5) file unless specified otherwise by -C. It uses <configdirectory>/mailboxes.db to locate the mailbox on disk.

Use the specified configuration file config-file rather than the default imapd.conf(5).

Dump information for the given uid only.

Dump information for the given sequence number only.

Compare the quota usage in cyrus.index to the actual message file sizes and report any differences. If there are differences, the mailbox SHOULD be reconstructed.

Compare the records in cyrus.index to the actual message files report any differences. This can help detect issues if messages files were manipulated manually and/or restored incorrectly.

mbexamine user.jsmith

Examine the mailbox hierarchy rooted at user.jsmith.

mbexamine -u 00000004 user.jsmith

Examine the mailbox hierarchy rooted at user.jsmith looking for messages with UID = 00000004.

mbexamine -q user.jsmith

Examine the mailbox hierarchy rooted at user.jsmith checking quotas.

mbexamine -c user.jsmith

Examine the mailbox hierarchy rooted at user.jsmith comparing index records to the actual message files in the mailbox directory.

/etc/imapd.conf, <configdirectory>/mailboxes.db


The Cyrus Team, Nic Bernstein (Onlight)

1993–2025, The Cyrus Team

January 22, 2025 3.10.1